My name is Stephen Stchur, and I am awesome. It's true. Ask anyone who knows me. I'm fun to be around and I generate energy. Also, I love the Avett Brothers. A lot! A lot lot!
This repo is where I track solutions to leetcode problems I've solved. Every solution I post here is 100% my own. I never ever copy anyone else's work, and I always write my own solutions. In cases where I was unable to come up with a solution on my own, I always give to credit to the person or website from which I learned the solution.
I do not track every single problem I solve on leetcode here. I have solved many many more problems than are listed here. These are just the ones that I felt compelled to write up explanations for. I do this mostly for myself because I find that writing up explanations helps me commit things to memory.
I hope you find the write ups useful and informative.