Tell us with which stack want to work with and we will find the jobs for you. Or if you still know exactly which skills you should learn next, tell us about the job you are interested in and we will find the most relevant stack for you.
The application is built with the following stack:
- Next.js
- Prisma
- Postgres
- tRPC
- TailwindCSS
Install dependencies
yarn install
Setup postgres database
docker run postgres -p 5432:5432
Create a .env.local file and add the following variables:
# Arbitrary string for the authorization header
# Required for next-auth
Sync with the database
yarn prisma migrate dev --name init # sync with new db
yarn prisma db pull # sync with existing db
yarn prisma generate # create prisma client based on schema
A convenient way to interact with the database is to use the prisma studio
npx prisma studio
yarn dev # start dev server on localhost:3000
yarn build # build for production
yarn start # start production server
yarn lint # run eslint
Use the authorization header to trigger the microservice. (Note we used cron job via Gihub Actions to trigger )
curl --request GET \
--url 'localhost:3000/api/microservice' \
--header 'Authorization: <AUTHORIZATION_HEADER>'
Criteria | Points |
Regex | 3 |
CSS Tailwind | 5 |
Darkmode | 5 |
Chart.js | 5 |
Next.js (SSR) | 20 |
UI-Components (styled components) | 5 |
Typescript | 10 |
tRPC | 6 |
Authorization (Own auth and Google) | 10 |
Host own DB (Postgres) | 15 |
Deploy server in Docker container | 10 |
Deploy additional Docker container (pgadmin) | 10 |
Additional mirco-service (fetch jobs from API) | 10 |
- Prisma (Object relational mapping) for full type safety and independence from db changes
- Github Actions (build, deployment and cronjob)
- Endless scroll (no library)
- Auto suggestions for skill search on job search (no library)
- State management using Zustand
Made with ❤️ at KTH