A simple script to generate a html page with the levelshots found inside quake3 .pk3 levelfiles
usage: level_listing.py [-h] [-v] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--input-dir INPUT_DIR] [--levelshot-extract-path LEVELSHOT_EXTRACT_PATH] [--temp-dir TEMP_DIR]
Quake 3 map list html writer, parses a directory of pk3 files and generates a html page with titles and levelshots
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose verbose output --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR output directory --input-dir INPUT_DIR input directory with pk3 files --levelshot-extract-path LEVELSHOT_EXTRACT_PATH path where levelshots should be extracted --temp-dir TEMP_DIR temporary directory to extract level data generate automatically but can be overwritten with this flag
the program requires the following directory tree:
index-dir -images -favicon -favicon.ico -levels
*todo if there is no master .arena file, search for individual .arena files with the map longname
- Wand, python bindings to imagemagick, and imagemagick in order to transform .tga levelshots to .png.
- zipfile
- tempfile (optional, temporary file path can be specified manually)
- shutil
- argparse