- Application version:1.00
- Application version:1.06
- Application version:1.09
- CUSA00299||CUSA03014 Japan
- CUSA00207||CUSA03173 Europe
- CUSA00900||CUSA03179 America
- CUSA01363||CUSA03023 Australia
Besides enabling debug camera when entering a cutscene
there is also a way of activating through the developer menu
by pressing the upper left of the touchpad and navigating:
[SYSTEM]-->[MoveMapStep]-->Toggle Pause:On.
Activating debug dash by pressing L3 button
increases the entity animation by five times
as well as granting the ability to increase with
L2 or decrease with L1 the current altitude.
Taking control over an entity can be achieved by pressing
the R3 button while L3 restores controls of the initial entity.
Should be mentioned for your own sanity to make sure of turning off the lock-on and
lock on target from the options menu to prevent passing back and forth of controls.
Additionally do not wander too far from your default entity or you will get despawned.
- Goldhen 2.3+ running on a Playstation4 system
- Fonts and shaders for displaying developer menu
- Knowledge on how to make a backup copy of a game
- Knowledge on how to setup a plugin to run properly
BBDBG is released under the GPLv3 License.