Get metadata information of the MP3, WAV, AIFF files being uploaded.
It includes a test suite and a demo. The demo is necessary to fully test the features, since there is no way to write end-2-end tests for file upload (angular/angular.js#2686)
Copy the audiometa.js file into your project and add the following line with the correct path:
<script src="/path/to/scripts/audiometa.js"></script>
For the webworker version, you will need to copy audiometaWorker.js instead, but only import audiometaWorker.js like so:
<script src="/path/to/scripts/audiometaWorker.js"></script>
Alternatively, if you're using bower, you can add this to your component.json (or bower.json):
"audiometa": "git://"
And add this to your HTML:
<script src="components/audiometa/audiometa.js"></script>
Or, if you want to use the web worker version:
<script src="components/audiometa/audiometaWorker.js"></script>
Register for the change event on the input tag in your html:
<input type="file" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().setFile(this)"/>
Add the "audiometa" module to your app (or "audiometaWorker" if you want to use the web worker version):
module("myapp", ["audiometa"]);
Inject AudioParser (or "AudioParserWorker") into your controller and implement setFile:
angular.module("myapp").controller "ctrl", ["AudioParser", function (AudioParser) {
$scope.setFile = function(file){
// do something here
For more details and an example with multiple files, try the (very simple) demo. How to run the demo? Simple...
git clone
cd audiometa
npm install && bower install
grunt server
This should open your browser at http://localhost:9000 where the demo now sits.
The example's controller includes a function called getfileInfoByBatch. This is important if you plan on selecting a large amount of files. It sends the messages to the webworker by batch of 10, avoiding issues that occur when you overload the web worker with tasks.