- We realized that those who had a harder time learning in class don't always have a way to catch up to their classmates, leading to them falling further behind in class. PCTeacher aims to fix this issue.
- A teaching tool website that aims to help teacher help those with disabilities be it mental or physical.
- PCTeacher uses information from past lesson questions to generate a personalized learning type for the user. It then displays future lessons specialized for that learning type.
- Our website was made using a Python web-framework called Django and stylized with Bootstrap
- It is hosted on DigitalOcean
- MathML is used for LaTex Parsing (to display in-line math such as fractions and exponents).
- Commits to Github overlapping or behind or ahead or overall not working.
- Artistic abilities
- We had too big of an idea
- Auto generated numbers in problems using parameters set by the teacher.
- Login system that includes a database to store students and their learning styles.
- Working user database
- Randomized problems and examples paired with lessons
- The adaptation of lessons to multiple learning styles
- How to use Python Django
- Jinja, Bootstrap elements.
- SSH to access files in Digital Ocean
- How to implement various website functionalities
- Generate visuals with LaTex.
- Expanding lessons for other subjects
- A more intuitive lesson/problem creation system
- A redesign of the website UI/UX for better aesthetics
- A profile page that displays information on the user (lessons completed, learning style, etc.)
- Django
- Bootstrap
- Jinja
- Python
- Html