CTF Engine
Each challenge instance runs in an issolated docker container
Create challenges as docker images
For development: supports docker-machine auto-configuration
Run the engine from docker too :D
Scalability: Supports multiple Docker servers (round-robin selection)
Setup - Development
Install Ruby
Unix: Install Docker
Windows/OSX: Install Docker Toolbox
‘bundle install`
‘bundle exec rake db:setup`
‘bundle exec rails server`
Update config/docker_hosts.yml
Create challenges in the dockerfiles/challenges directory
Build challenges using ‘rails dockerfiles/build_all.rb`
Default creds: admin:admin123
Setup - Production
Collect TLS certificate from Docker servers
Configure config/docker_hosts.yml
Configure docker-compose.yml to point to cert path
‘docker-compose run engine bundle exec rake db:setup`
‘docker-compose up -d`