An open API for public Twitch services.
App | Supported |
Kick | ❌ |
Trovo | ❌ |
Twitch | ✅ |
YouTube | ❌ |
App | Supported | Available on |
7TV | ✅ | Twitch |
BetterTTV | ✅ | Twitch |
FrankerFaceZ | ✅ | Twitch |
GET /twitch/emotes?...
Query | Type | Description | Required | Default value |
ID | String |
Channel ID | ⚠ | null |
Username | String |
Channel username | ⚠ | null |
Providers | String[] |
Channel username | ❌ | twitch |
Note: You can use username or ID, however you must enter at least one.
Note 2: Available providers: twitch, 7tv bttv, ffz.
Note 3: Arrays must follow the following format:
GET /twitch/channel?...
Query | Type | Description | Required | Default value |
ID | String |
Channel ID | ⚠ | null |
Username | String |
Channel username | ⚠ | null |
Note: You can use username or ID, however you must enter at least one.
Create a .dev.vars
file and store your secret token. See example from .dev.vars_sample
yarn dev
yarn deploy