A place to find and share audio files, written using the MERN stack.
- React
- Redux (using redux-thunk middleware)
- Axios
- Formik
- Styled components
- JWT authentication
- Node.js (using Express.js)
- AWS S3 buckets
- Multer
- Bcrypt
- JWT authentication
- MongoDB connection
Pushes to GitHub automatically deploy the frontend to Vercel and the backend to Render.
The React frontend hosted on Vercel at audsio.com.
To run: npm start
The Node.js backend hosted on Render at https://audsio-server.onrender.com/.
Make sure to to create a .env
file using .env.example as a template.
The PWA created with Bubblewrap.
I'm mostly done with this project and all I'm really planning to do in the future is add an Alexa Skill that allows you to record and upload audio to Audsio. If that sounds interesting to you feel free to create an issue or PR or contact me somehow :)