"bookshelf" Project
Training of a few Perl packeges - Dancer - Dancer::Plugin::DBIC - MySQL connection - Plack::Test
To construct a database and write a Dancer application with REST interface serving as a simple collection of books.
Stores two main types of data
- Books
+ title
+ author
+ publication date
- Authors
+ forename
+ surname
+ country
Enables the following routes and HTTP methods
+ /api/books/ - GET, POST
+ /api/books/:id - GET, PUT PATCH, DELETE
+ /api/authors/ - GET, POST
+ /api/authors/:id - GET, PUT PATCH, DELETE
Data exchange processes use JSON format.
Is a simple interface for the end user.
The following pages are designed
+ /index.html -- a static page with links to /books/ and /authors/
+ /books/ -- list of all books, sorted by title. Every entry has a link to a page with details of this book
+ /books/:id -- a page with details of the selected book
+ /authors/ -- list of all authors, sorted alphabetically by surname. Every entry has a link to a page with details of this author
+ /authors/:id -- a page with details of the pointed author. Contains his/her personal data and a list of books
The WWW application is constructed as a part of the same Dancer application as the RRST interface is.
Additional requirements specify the packages to be used
+ MySQL database
+ Dancer::Plugin::DBIC
+ Plack::Test
A few tests are prepared, just as an example.
* Windows 7 or Ubuntu 16
* MySQL 5.5 or 5.7
* Dancer 1.3
* bookshell.sql - a dump of the example data base
* config.yml - DB connection info is put here.
git clone https://github.com/stas53/bookshelf.git
cd bookshelf
vim config.yml
... replace username and password of 'bookshell' database
mysql -p
... give password
\. bookshell.sql
perl bin/app.pl
Web browser
perl t\003_test.t
perl t\004_test.t
perl t\005_test.t