A python package for interactive mapping and visualizing areas of interest.
- GitHub Repo: https://github.com/statenandrea33/crimpy
- Documentation: https://statenandrea33.github.io/crimpy
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/crimpy/
- Crimpy Tutorial: https://youtu.be/N0C-qPS9YQw
- Free software: MIT license
Crimpy is a Python package for interactive mapping and visualizing areas of interest. Crimpy is built upon several open-source packages, including: folium, ipyleaflet, ipywidgets, and geopandas. This package was built with rock climbers in mind. Crimpy can be used to visualize potential climbs you are wanting/planning on completing. You can do so by getting coordinates of the climbs you are wanting to do and compiling them into a list. There is another option for getting the coordinates and this is by using Mountain Project. On Mountain Project you can select specific climbs/routes at your desired location and then export those you have selected as a CSV file which can be uploaded and visualized using Crimpy.
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the giswqs/pypackage project template.