This Python package provides functionality for reading cim data from tripple stores such as GraphDB, BlazeGraph or Rdf4j into Python memory as pandas dataframes.
The package provides a set of predefined functions/queries to load CIM data such as generator, demand or branch data, though the user can easiliy define their own queries.
>>> from cimsparql.graphdb import ServiceConfig
>>> from cimsparql.model import get_single_client_model
>>> model = get_single_client_model(ServiceConfig(limit=3))
>>> ac_lines = model.ac_lines()
>>> print(ac_lines[['name', 'x', 'r', 'bch']])
name x r bch
0 <branch 1> 1.9900 0.8800 0.000010
1 <branch 2> 1.9900 0.8800 0.000010
2 <branch 3> 0.3514 0.1733 0.000198
In the example above the client will query repo "" in the default server GraphDB for AC line values.
See the sparql templates folder (cimsparql/sparql
) to the query used.
>>> from string import Template
>>> query = 'PREFIX cim:<${cim}>\nPREFIX rdf: <${rdf}>\nSELECT ?mrid where {?mrid rdf:type cim:ACLineSegment}'
>>> query_result = model.get_table_and_convert(model.template_to_query(Template(query)))
>>> print(query_result)
Available namespace for current graphdb client (gdbc
in the examples above),
which can be used in queries (such as rdf
and cim
) can by found by
>>> print(model.prefixes)
{'wgs': '',
'rdf': '',
'owl': '',
'cim': '',
'gn': '',
'xsd': '',
'rdfs': '',
'SN': '',
'ALG': ''}
Tests can be run agains RDF4J and/or BlazeGraph databases if a container with the correct images are available.
docker pull eclipse/rdf4j-workbench
docker pull openkbs/blazegraph
Launch one or both containers and specify the following environment variables
RDF4J_URL = "localhost:8080/rdf4j-server"
BLAZEGRAPH_URL = "localhost:9999/blazegraph/namespace
Note 1: The port numbers may differ depending on your local Docker configurations. Note 2: You don't have to install RDF4J or BlazeGraph. Tests requiring these will be skipped in case they are not available. They will in any case be run in the CI pipeline on GitHub (where both always are available).
Ontologies for the CIM model can be found at (ENTSOE's webpages)[].
For convenience and testing purposes the ontology are located under tests/data/ontology
. CIM models used for testing purposes in Cimsparql should
be stored in N-quads format. In case you have a model in XML format it can be converted to N-quads by launching a DB (for example RDF4J) and upload
all the XML files and the ontology.
PREFIX cims: <>
DELETE {?s ?p ?o}
INSERT {?s ?p ?o_cast} WHERE {
?s ?p ?o .
?p cims:dataType ?_dtype .
?_dtype cims:stereotype ?stereotype .
BIND(IF(?stereotype = "Primitive",
URI(concat("", lcase(strafter(str(?_dtype), "#")))),
?_dtype) as ?dtype)
BIND(STRDT(?o, ?dtype) as ?o_cast)
and export as N-quads.
- micro_t1_nl:
CimSparql mainly uses SparqlWrapper
to communicate with the databases. However, there are certain operations which are performed
directly via REST calls. Since there are small differences between different APIs you may have to specify which API you are using.
This can be done when initializing the ServiceCfg
class or by specifying the SPARQL_REST_API
environment variable. Currently,
and blazegraph
is supported (if not given RDF4J
is default).
export SPARQL_REST_API=BLAZEGRAPH # To use BlazeGraph