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A Small C library for reading PLINK genotype files.


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This is a small C and Python library for reading Plink genotype files.

Currently it can:

  • Read and parse BED, BIM and FAM files.
  • Transpose BED files.

Libplinkio will reach 1.0 when it can:

  • Read PED files (i.e. non-binary bed-files).
  • Write BED, BIM and FAM files.

Project rationales:

  • Use C to make it as simple as possible to add bindings for other languages.
  • Focus only on IO-functionality.
  • Few external dependencies to make it easy to use.


Installing this library is easy, just configure and make. This will also install Python bindings for the active interpeter.

Installing to a standard location

mkdir build
cd build
make && make check && sudo make install

You can also pass the --disable-tests flag to configure to avoid building the unit tests and the dependency to libcmockery. Note howerver, in this case make check will not do anything.

Installing to a custom location

mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=/path/to/plinkio
make && make check && make install

Linking to your program

To link your own application to libplinkio you can use the following include and library paths after installing it:

gcc -lplinkio source.c

If you installed libplinkio to a custom location you need to specify the location of libplinkio:

gcc -lplinkio -I/path/to/plinkio/include -L/path/to/plinkio/lib source.c

Using in C

For specific information look at

The following C program prints the genotypes of all individuals. Note, that it is not recommended to run this program on a big plink file since it will fill your screen with data.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <plinkio/plinkio.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct pio_file_t plink_file;
    snp_t *snp_buffer;
    int sample_id;
    int locus_id;

    if( pio_open( &plink_file, "/path/to/plink_file" ) != PIO_OK )
        printf( "Error: Could not open %s\n", argv[ 1 ] );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if( !pio_one_locus_per_row( &plink_file ) )
        printf( "This script requires that snps are rows and samples columns.\n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    locus_id = 0;
    snp_buffer = (snp_t *) malloc( pio_row_size( &plink_file ) );
    while( pio_next_row( &plink_file, snp_buffer ) == PIO_OK )
        for( sample_id = 0; sample_id < pio_num_samples( &plink_file ); sample_id++)
            struct pio_sample_t *sample = pio_get_sample( &plink_file, sample_id );
            struct pio_locus_t *locus = pio_get_locus( &plink_file, locus_id );
            printf( "Individual %s has genotype %d for snp %s.\n", sample->iid, snp_buffer[ sample_id ], locus->name );


    free( snp_buffer );
    pio_close( &plink_file );
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Accessing sample and locus information in C

Information about samples and loci are obtained by referencing directly into the struct. The fields are summarized below.

The pio_sample_t declaration

 * Data structure that contains the PLINK information about a sample (individual).
struct pio_sample_t
     * An internal reference id, so that we can read them in order.
    size_t pio_id;

     * Family identifier.
    char *fid;

     * Plink individual identifier.
    char *iid;

     * Plink individual identifier of father, 0 if none.
    char *father_iid;

     * Plink individual identifier of mother, 0 if none.
    char *mother_iid;

     * The sex of the individual.
    enum sex_t sex;

     * Affection of the individuals, case, control or unkown. Control
     * is always 0 and case always 1.
    enum affection_t affection;

     * A continuous phenotype of the individual.
    float phenotype;

The pio_locus_t declaration

 * Data structure that contains the PLINK information about a locus (SNP).
struct pio_locus_t
     * An internal reference id, so that we can read them in order.
    size_t pio_id;

     * Chromosome number starting from 1.
    unsigned char chromosome;

     * Name of the SNP.
    char *name;

     * Genetic position of the SNP.
    float position;

     * Base pair position of the SNP.
    long long bp_position;

     * First allele.
    char *allele1;

     * Second allele.
    char *allele2;

Using in Python

The following script does the same as the above C program, utilizing most of the API.

from plinkio import plinkfile

plink_file = "/path/to/plink_file" )
if not plink_file.one_locus_per_row( ):
     print( "This script requires that snps are rows and samples columns." )
     exit( 1 )

sample_list = plink_file.get_samples( )
locus_list = plink_file.get_loci( )

for locus, row in zip( locus_list, plink_file ):
    for sample, genotype in zip( sample_list, row ):
        print( "Individual {0} has genotype {1} for snp {2}.".format( sample.iid, genotype, ) )

Accessing sample and locus information in Python

The Sample object

class Sample:
    def __init__(self, fid, iid, father_iid, mother_iid, sex, affection, phenotype = 0.0):
        # Family id.
        self.fid = fid

        # Individual id.
        self.iid = iid

        # Individual id of father.
        self.father_iid = father_iid

        # Individual id of mother.
        self.mother_iid = mother_iid

        # Sex of individual.
        # = sex

        # Affection of individual, 0/1, control/case
        self.affection = affection

        # Optional continuous phenotype, will be 0.0/1.0 if control/case
        self.phenotype = phenotype

The Locus object

class Locus:
    def __init__(self, chromosome, name, position, bp_position, allele1, allele2):
        # Chromosome number starting from 1
        self.chromosome = chromosome

        # Name of the loci, usually rs-number or
        # chrX:pos.
        # = name

        # Genetic position (floating point number).
        self.position = position

        # Base pair position (integer).
        self.bp_position = bp_position

        # First allele
        self.allele1 = allele1

        # Second allele
        self.allele2 = allele2


A Small C library for reading PLINK genotype files.







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