This contract acts as a trustee. The trustor transfers the agreed-upon sum to the contract for the benefit of the beneficiary. The design of the contract is guided by the way a security deposit works that is set up a renter (trustor) in favor of the landlord (beneficiary).
- Only the trustor can transfer funds to the contract
- Only the trustor determines the beneficiary
- Once set, the beneficiary can not be changed
- Only the beneficiary can withdraw funds
- Upon termination, all funds are returned to the trustor
- Only the beneficiary can terminate the contract without waiting period
- The trustor can terminate the contract after a 30 day waiting period, if the beneficiary does not object
- No interests are accumulated on the funds
The code was developed and tested with truffle. If you want to play around with the contract, I recommend to install truffle as well as testrpc.
truffle migrate
truffle test
Start the truffle console
truffle console
Get the trustor
.then((instance) => {return})
.then((res) => {console.log(res)})
Set the beneficiary
.then((instance) => {instance.setBeneficiary(web3.eth.accounts[1])})
Transfer funds
.then((instance) => {instance.sendFunds({from: web3.eth.accounts[0], value: 100, gas: 400000})})
Check the balance
.then((instance) => {console.log(web3.eth.getBalance(instance.address))})