Major Project for Stefan Klaus(
Odometry based map building. This project uses a simulator as well as a virtual E-Puck representation to map different environments.
This project uses the Webots simulator. All code has been created and tested on a Windows system using Webots PRO 7.4.3. The project might perform differently on Unix based systems or on older/newer versions of the simulator.
This folder holds all the technical work as well as the final and mid-project reports for the project.
An overview over the folders:
webots: holds the world files for the Webots simulator
Report: Holds the source files(LaTeX) of the final report as well the project outline specification.
Project data: holds sample video files(.mp4) of how the program performs on my system.
Mid Project Presentation: holds the power point created for the mid-project presentation.
lib: holds all source files(besides the main) needed for the project.
figures: holds all the figures(including .odg files) and screenshots of the project
doxygen documentation: holds the documentation generated for the code, using doxygen.
controllers: holds the main.c source file for the project. This structure might be confusing however it was used by Webots and that's why I kept it.
Other files: just standard files needed for git, the Sublime Text project and workspace file, as well as a copy of the final report for convenience.