A smol Minesweeper game using the amazing FlaxEngine.
tween to position & REPLACE/CANCEL the existing tweens ==> Minesweeper animations (at the corners)
tween "group/sequence" (maybe a .chain() function?) ==> cancelling chained tweens (e.g. that pillar tween sequence) ==> saying: I want to go to the middle of the sequence (0.5) ==> paths
chain tweens ==> nice animations (pillar coming out, particles ==> rotating, other particles ==> opening the top)
Optional StartDelay ==> Sequence: Take the last element of the sequence ==> Action: Take the endtime of that action
tween into another tween (move from A to B and then change the target)
delta/additive tweens: tween from A(0,0,0) to B (0,10,0) and moving(linearvelocity/tweening) from A(0,0,0) to C(0,0,10) ==> end: D (0,10,10) ==> animating moving objects
tween set percentage
optimized tween stuff that can get called every Update() ==> animating a gun turrent (move it to the mouse every Update())
constant speed animations (as opposed to constant time) ==> paths
staggered effects ==> different objects, same effect (with a delay) repeat(100) + stagger(10) // milliseconds/seconds, whatever Flax uses
randomized start times ==> tween 100 blocks into the start position ==> (combined with staggering)
tweening towards a moving target ==> Tweening to the mouse
tween from float 1 to float 7 ==> progress bar (custom onUpdate)
tween forever ==> all animations that should play forever
tween the width ==> object gets thinner when you move it quickly
tween binding ==> speed --> bound to width ==> quite possible, since it's not really binding, it just grabs the current speed every Update()
(which is a long) to avoid float precision issues -
Check out https://github.com/honzapatCZ/FTween
Use closures (e.g. end position as a captured variable so that it can be changed dynamically)
average tween: tween from A(0,0,0) to B (0,10,0) and tween from A(0,0,0) to C(0,0,10) ==> end: D (0,5,5) ==> No use case yet