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Releases: stellar/js-stellar-base


19 Jul 19:58
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  • TransactionBuilder now has addOperationAt and clearOperationAt methods to allow manipulation of individual operations (#757).


  • Improve the efficiency and portability of asset type retrieval (#758).
  • nativeToScVal now correctly sorts maps lexicographically based on the keys to match what the Soroban environment expects (#759).
  • humanizeEvents now handles events without a contractId set more reliably (#764).
  • nativeToScVal now allows all integer types to come from strings (#763).

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Full Changelog: v12.0.1...v12.1.0


14 Jun 16:44
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  • Export TypeScript definition for StrKey.isValidContract (#751).
  • scValToNative would fail when the values contained error codes because the parsing routine hadn't been updated to the new error schemas. Errors are now converted to the following format (#753):
interface Error {
  type: "contract" | "system";
  code: number;
  value?: string; // only present for type === 'system'

You can refer to the XDR documentation for additional explanations for each error code.

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Full Changelog: v12.0.0...v12.0.1


30 May 21:54
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Protocol 21: Stable Release

This is exactly the same as v12.0.0-rc.1 with only dependency upgrades, but the full changelog from the previous stable version is replicated below.

Breaking Changes


  • To facilitate serialization and deserialization for downstream systems, this package now exports cereal.XdrWriter and cereal.XdrReader which come directly from @stellar/js-xdr (#744).


  • Updated various dependencies (#737, #739).
  • Buffer and Uint8Array compatibility has improved in StrKey (#746).

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Full Changelog: v11.0.1...v12.0.0


14 May 21:43
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v12.0.0-rc.1 Pre-release

Protocol 21

Breaking Changes


  • To facilitate serialization and deserialization for downstream systems, this package now exports cereal.XdrWriter and cereal.XdrReader which come directly from @stellar/js-xdr (#744).


  • Updated various dependencies (#737, #739).
  • Buffer and Uint8Array compatibility has improved in StrKey (#746).

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Full Changelog: v11.0.1...v12.0.0-rc.1


20 Mar 21:20
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  • Add compatibility with pre-ES2016 environments (like some React Native JS compilers) by adding a custom Buffer.subarray polyfill (#733).
  • Upgrade underlying dependencies, including @stellar/js-xdr which should broaden compatibility to pre-ES2016 environments (#734, #735).


12 Feb 20:18
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Note: This version is (still) compatible with Protocol 20. Most people should be unaffected by the technically-breaking changes below and can treat this more like a v10.0.3 patch release.

Breaking Changes

  • Starting from v10.0.0-beta.0, we set BigNumber.DEBUG in bignumber.js to true internally, which affects all code using BigNumber. This behavior has been fixed and only affects this library: globally, BigNumber.DEBUG now remains at its default setting (i.e. disabled). This is technically a breaking behavior change and is released as such (#729).


  • Dependencies have been updated to their latest compatible versions (#726, #730).

Full Changelog: v10.0.2...v11.0.0


23 Jan 01:23
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  • The contractId field is correctly omitted from humanized events when it wasn't present in the structure (#721).
  • Misc. outdated or incorrect documentation has been updated (#723, #720).
  • Dependencies have been updated (#724).

Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.0.2


15 Dec 22:02
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  • The TypeScript definition for Asset.contractId() now includes a missing parameter (the networkPassphrase changes the ID for a contract; #718).

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Full Changelog: v10.0.0...v10.0.1


07 Dec 20:03
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This is the stable Protocol 20 release.

v10.0.0: Protocol 20, Soroban!

Breaking Changes

  • The package has been renamed to @stellar/stellar-base!
  • Node 18 is the new minimum version to use the SDKs.
  • The XDR has been massively overhauled to support Soroban, the new smart contract platform on Stellar, and Protocol 20. This means new operations, data structures, and a transaction format as well as new overlay features (#538).

The core data structure of Soroban is a generic type called an ScVal (smart contract value, which is a union of types that can basically represent anything [numbers, strings, arrays, maps, contract bytecode, etc.]). You can refer to the XDR for details, and you can utilize new APIs to make dealing with these complex values easier:

  • nativeToScVal helps convert native types to their closest Soroban equivalent
  • scValToNative helps find the closest native JavaScript type(s) corresponding to a smart contract value
  • scValToBigInt helps convert numeric ScVals into native bigints
  • ScInt and XdrLargeInt help convert to and from bigints to other types and form sized integer types for smart contract usage

There are other XDR structures that have abstractions included for building out or certain types of smart contract-related structures:

  • buildInvocationTree and walkInvocationTree are both ways to visualize invocation calling trees better
  • authorizeEntry and authorizeInvocation help multiple parties sign invocation calling trees
  • humanizeEvents helps make diagnostic events more readable


The following are new APIs to deal with new Soroban constructs:

  • Address, which helps manage "smart" addresses in the Soroban context. Addresses there (used for auth and identity purposes) can either be contracts (strkey C...) or accounts (strkey G...). This abstraction helps manage them and distinguish between them easily.
  • Contract, which helps manage contract identifiers. The primary purpose is to build invocations of its methods via the generic call(...), but it also provides utilities for converting to an Address or calculating its minimum footprint for state expiration.
  • Three new operations have been added related to Soroban transactions:
    • invokeHostFunction for calling contract code
    • bumpFootprintExpiration for extending the state lifetime of Soroban data
    • restoreFootprint for restoring expired, off-chain state back onto the ledger
  • The TransactionBuilder now takes a sorobanData parameter (and has a corresponding .setSorobanData() builder method) which primarily describes the storage footprint of a Soroban (that is, which parts of the ledger state [in the form of xdr.LedgerKeys] it plans to read and write as part of the transaction).
    • To facilitate building this out, there's a new SorobanDataBuilder factory to set fields individually
    • It also now has a cloneFrom(tx, opts) constructor method to create an instance from an existing transaction, also allowing parameter overrides via opts.
  • We've added a GHA to track bundle size changes as PRs are made.


  • Improves the error messages when passing invalid amounts to deposit and withdraw operations (#679).
  • Fixes a TypeScript bug where Memo.hash did not accept a Buffer (#698).
  • Dependencies have been updated to their latest versions.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v9.0.0...v10.0.0


03 Nov 19:22
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v10.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release


  • You can now correctly clone transactions (TransactionBuilder.cloneFrom) with large sequence numbers (#711).
  • Utility functions are now added to the exported TypeScript (#706).

Full Changelog: v9.0.0...v10.0.0-beta.4