zizu is an opinionated static site generator based on bootstrap, haml, html5, and github.
- bundler
- github_api
- haml
- thor
- tilt
- install the gem from rubygems
gem install zizu-0.0.1.gem
- clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:stephenhu/zizu
- install dependencies
bundle install # from the zizu root directory
- build the gem
gem build zizu.gemspec # from the zizu root directory
- install the local gem
gem install zizu-0.0.1.gem
- what does zizu stand for?
but that's a bit harder to type.```
2. are sinatra haml files compatible with zizu?
```technically i tried to keep the syntax consistent with sinatra since i'm
a big fan, so i mocked _haml_ and _url_ functions.```