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A Flask server used to respond to Tableau webhooks for automation and notifications


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Tableau Webhooks

This is a Tableau automation server leveraging Webhooks to orchestrate workflows dependent on events taking place in Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server.

fishing hooks

Tableau Webhooks supports events related to resources such as workbooks, datasources and administrator users. This automation server will receive POST requests from your Tableau environment when events take place, allowing you to implement functionality such as being notified via Slack, Twilio or other messaging services as well as automating resource management. To provide automation features, this server is setup to make requests to Tableau's REST API.

The Webhooks API documentation lists a few sample use cases that exemplify the usage of an automation server:

  • When an extract refresh fails, file a ticket in ServiceNow automatically.
  • When a workbook is updated, notify your team via their Slack channel.
  • When a data source is published, email a data steward asking them to review and certify it.
  • When a workbook refresh completes successfully, generate a PDF and post it to SharePoint.

Table of Contents


The following sections describe the basic development process of a Tableau Webhooks workflow and provides a high level diagram of a workflow in action to help you get started with webhook automation.

Tableau Webhooks is built to handle all event types listed in the documentation such that you can deploy a single automation server to meet all webhooks related automation needs.


You can think of processes that integrate a webhook with custom automation as a workflow. A workflow starts with an event ocurring in a Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud site. If a webhook has been deployed to respond to this type of event, Tableau will then send an HTTP POST request to Tableau Webhooks at the /webhook URL. The webhook request will contain a payload with data that can be used to process the event and to determine if Tableau Webhooks should run an automation process.

The following flowchart illustrates what this process looks like.

basic workflow flowchart

Webhook payloads are limited to what is described in the documentation. As a result, to run complex workflows Tableau Webhooks will often need to send requests to Tableau's REST API. For example, if you want to monitor a specific data source for extract refresh failures - rather than get notified for every data source hosted on your Tableau site, you can use the resource-id provided by the webhook payload and request more information about that data source from the REST API. That way you may check to see if said data source has a property such as a tag that can be used to determine if a notification should be sent to data stewards via Slack.

If the event meets the criteria you have established in then you can run the intended automation. However, if the event does not meet said criteria it can be safely ignored.


Webhooks workflows start by identifying a need that can be fulfilled by automation. This requires finding a webhook event that matches the event you want to monitor and then making sure that the webhook payload contains the data needed to initiate the desired workflow.

tableau webhooks development flowchart

Once the need is identified, developers can start by configuring a webhook on Tableau using REST API CRUD methods for webhooks. Note that all webhooks must be configured so that they send POST requests to the /webhook endpoint for your instance of Tableau Webhooks. In other words the URL will look similar to this https://my-tableau-webhooks-domain/webhook.

At the same time developers can prototype automation logic by adding code to the corresponding event handler in the module. By default all supported event types have empty placeholders in this file, allowing you to provide your own way to handle Tableau events.

Tableau Webhooks have a test endpoint that can be used to trigger sample payloads which is very useful for developing these integrations.

You can also run Tableau Webhooks locally in development mode. Developers can then use curl or Postman to send realistic payloads to the local server to prototype event handling and to run real workflows without having to push code to production.

File Structure

The following tree diagram highlights the most important files for Tableau Webhooks containing it's core functionality. The server routes are defined in We recommend that you keep this file minimal for readibility and maintainability. Therefore, workflows are defined under the modules folder. This is where you will find defining webhook event handlers. Notice that declares a route called /webhook which receives POST requests and then imports a function from to handle all incoming payloads. This allows for routes and event handlers to be defined separately.

├── libs
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── logs
│   └── webhooks.log
├── modules
│   ├──
│   └──
└── utils

Tableau Webhooks contains one more module called which allows for automatic updates of content published to Tableau's Broadcast service whenever a workbook is refreshed on a Tableau Cloud site. This is the only out of the box workflow built-in to Tableau Webhooks. If you wish to add a new workflow to this server, use the /webhook route defined in, add an event handler to and then add a new file to modules that will run the workflow step by step.

The libs folder contains reusable functionality such as sending requests to Tableau's REST API in, generation of JWTs in as well as defining a Session class in used to establish REST API sessions.

The utils folder contains supporting functionality such as environment validation, exceptions and logging. The logs folder stores logging messages in webhooks.log. Production environments will log messages with a level of INFO and above while development environments will log everything starting from DEBUG and above. This behavior is controlled by the FLASK_ENV environment variable.

(For more information on FLASK_ENV see Flask's documentation. For more information on logging see the documentation for the logging library)

Getting Started


This list covers requirements for local development and deployment to Heroku (note that you are free to deploy this server on other platforms).

  • Python (the version is declared in the environment.yml file)
  • Anaconda or some other Python environment manager (optional but recommended)
  • Tableau Server or a Tableau Cloud site (a developer site is available for free by signing up for the developer program)
  • Authentication to Tableau's REST API is performed either via PAT (personal access token) by default as well as username and password or JWT (Connected Apps). Refer to the documentation for REST API authentication for more information. NOTE: currently JWT authentication does not support all RESTful methods listed in the documentation.
  • Postman to make test requests to the Tableau Webhooks API or to test the automation server during local development (optional)
  • Request Bin a useful and free service you can use to receive real webhooks requests for development (optional)


  1. Clone this repository
git clone
# or
git clone

# navigate to the project directory
cd tableau-webhooks
  1. Create a conda environment to install all dependencies and activate it (see Dependencies for more info). To install conda on a new machine, refer to the Anaconda website.
# will create an environment called tableau-webhooks
conda env create -f environment.yml

# activates the environment
conda activate tableau-webhooks

# lists existing conda environments
# adds an asterisk next to the active environment
conda env list
NOTE: if you are not using conda you can create a requirements.txt file or install the dependencies listed in the environment.yml file manually with pip3.

  1. Create a .env file in the project's root directory and add values for each environment variable described in the Environment Variables section.
# create the .env file
touch .env
NOTE: the server will raise a RuntimeError if these environment variables are not declared.

  1. Run the app locally with gunicorn
# $(MODULE_NAME) is index and $(VARIABLE_NAME) is app 
# ( is where the Flask server is initialized)
gunicorn index:app


This project was built with Anaconda to manage Python environments, therefore the development environment can be cloned from the environment.yml file. Most dependencies are installed with conda while the last two are installed with pip3.

Managing Python environments is a best practice and well illustrated by the following xkcd 1987:

xkcd 1987 comic

NOTE: Superfund sites are bad. Do yourself a favor and get conda.

If you are new to conda I recommend keeping the conda cheatsheet nearby for reference.

These are the contents of the environment.yml file:

name: tableau-webhooks
  - defaults
  - python=3.9.12
  - flask=2.0.2
  - gunicorn=20.1.0
  - requests=2.28.1
  - pip=21.2.4
  - pip:
    - python-dotenv==0.19.2
    - pyjwt[crypto]==2.4.0

It is possible to recreate this environment without Anaconda, using something like virtualenvwrapper. In that case you can install all dependencies with pip3 and write a requirements.txt file to document your dependencies.

Environment Variables

To protect private data such as PATs this project relies on environment variables, that way this information is available in development and production environments without pushing them to Git repositories (via .gitignore). If you are new to this concept I highly recommend that you read Twilio's blog post on the subject. The python-dotenv package will load these variables into the server when initialized.

# create a .env file
touch .env

Your .env file must contain all of the following variables:

TABLEAU_DOMAIN='tableau server or tableau cloud domain'
TABLEAU_SITENAME='tableau sitename'
TABLEAU_RESTAPI_VERSION='tableau rest api version'
TABLEAU_USERNAME='tableau username'
TABLEAU_CA_CLIENT='connected app client id'
TABLEAU_CA_SECRET_ID='connected app secret id'
TABLEAU_CA_SECRET_VALUE='connected app secret value'
TABLEAU_PAT_NAME='personal access token name'
TABLEAU_PAT_SECRET='personal access token secret'
FLASK_ENV='default is production, set to development for debugging'

If you add integrations to other services such as Slack or Twilio, this would be the right place to store credentials needed to authenticate to 3rd parties.

If you only use one REST API authentication mechanism (PAT for example), you can provide empty strings for other values such as TABLEAU_CA_CLIENT, TABLEAU_CA_SECRET_ID, TABLEAU_CA_SECRET_VALUE that are used by JWT authentication.

NOTE: Production environments will log messages with a level of INFO and above while development environments will log everything starting from DEBUG and above. This behavior is controlled by the FLASK_ENV environment variable.

(For more information on FLASK_ENV see Flask's documentation. For more information on logging see the documentation for the logging library)

Local Usage

The app was built in Python using the Flask micro web framework. Flask can run on it's own for development purposes however, this is not recommended for production and instead a WSGI server such as gunicorn is required.

To start the server with gunicorn you can run this command:

# $(MODULE_NAME) is index and $(VARIABLE_NAME) is app 
# ( is where the Flask server is initialized)
gunicorn index:app

As a result the server will be available at:
# the endpoint used for incoming webhooks

For development purposes it is also acceptable to start the server this way:

# this should allow for live updates as you code

You can simulate webhook behavior by sending requests with sample payloads described in the Webhooks API documentation:

curl "" \ 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @filename

NOTE: Production environments will log messages with a level of INFO and above while development environments will log everything starting from DEBUG and above. This behavior is controlled by the FLASK_ENV environment variable.

(For more information on FLASK_ENV see Flask's documentation. For more information on logging see the documentation for the logging library)

Postman Collection

postman logo

This repository contains a Postman collection and environment file to help you interact with REST API endpoints used to configure Tableau webhooks.

Once you have added a webhook to a Tableau site, you can test it using the test request provided in the collection. It is also useful to get a list of webhooks registered on the server to get the ID of a webhook that you wish to test.

Environment File

The Postman collection was built to leverage the provided environment file which will store useful information such as credentials and URLs as well as allowing scripts to update variables for you automatically.

WARNING: Do not push usernames, passwords or personal access tokens to Github as they will be accessible by crawlers and is a well known security risk. You can fork environment files for local use and keep an empty template available on the repository for others to use.

Postman will also help you test the behavior you have written for each event type in You can send POST requests to the URL and create test payloads obtained from the Webhooks API documentation or replace test values with real values from resources on your Tableau environment to observe how real workflows run.

REST API Authentication

To send requests to Tableau's RESTful endpoints you will need to authenticate by way of a via PAT (personal access token), username & password or JWT (Connected App). Successful authentication will return an API key that is added to the X-Tableau-Auth header, allowing users to send requests to protected endpoints.

Refer to the documentation for REST API authentication for more information. By default, the automation server will use a PAT. NOTE: currently JWT authentication does not support all RESTful methods listed in the documentation.

Heroku Deployment

heroku, nginx, gunicorn & flask logos

The app is setup for deployment on Heroku. Deployment to this platform has a few requirements:

  • Heroku account
  • Install the Heroku CLI
  • An environment.yml or requirements.txt file
  • A Procfile (instructions for starting your dyno)
  • Heroku buildpacks for conda or python (will install project dependencies)


  1. Add a Heroku remote (track this git repo on a Heroku app)
# creates a new app (declare a name or it will be randomly named)
heroku create {your-app-name}

# add an existing Heroku remote to the git repo
heroku git:remote -a {your-app-name}

# confirm that a Heroku remote is tracking the repo
git remote -v
  1. Add a buildpack to this Heroku app (conda or python)
# conda buildpack (community built)
heroku buildpacks:set

# python buildpack (offical buildpack)
heroku buildpacks:set
  1. The existing Procfile runs the command to launch a "web" dyno on Heroku
web: gunicorn index:app
  1. Projects using conda environments can use the provided environment.yml file, otherwise you will have to create a requirements.txt file to install python dependencies on Heroku

  2. Add all of the environment variables listed in the example-env file to the Heroku app's settings under "config vars" (this is done on the website)

WARNING: the server will have a RuntimeError if these environment variables are not accessible.

  1. Deploy code to Heroku
# pushes your git branch to the Heroku remote
git push heroku {branch-name}


This project welcomes new contributors with open arms. Together we can expand the #datadev community and tackle some of the most interesting challenges in the Tableau world. For more information on contribution guidelines please refer to the file. If you wish to contribute to this repository, we advise that you join Tableau's Developer Program. In particular, we recommend that you participate in the Slack workspace available to registered members so we can support others in the community and drive them towards this project to meet their Tableau Webhooks needs.


A Flask server used to respond to Tableau webhooks for automation and notifications





