👋 Hi, I’m @stephenpalgeorge. I'm a full-stack developer based in London, UK. I'm currently working at Team ITG.
- Neil George Photography: Portfolio website for the photography Neil George (who happens to be my Dad). Written with React and Firebase (and a tiny Express.js server).
- Number Base: A beautiful visualisation of binary counting, written with Svelte. See the code
- 👀 I’m interested in:
- Tech:
- modern web technology
- open data and it's power to tell stories and communicate meaning
- rich, interactive and beautiful front-ends
- Other:
- Church
- Classical guitar
- Language learning
- Chess
- Wine and whisky
- My beautiful family
- Tech:
- 🌱 I’m currently learning:
- SvelteKit
- Kotlin (+ Android Studio)
- Swift