This diagnostics package is constructed for supporting the diagnostics task of DOE's Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) project. The goal of this work is to develop a comprehensive diagnostics package that:
- fully integrates the functionality of NCAR's AMWG diagnostics package.
- utilizes most updated observational datasets, including remote sensing, reanalysis and in-situ datasets.
- interfaces with diagnostics developed from different ACME focus groups: atmosphere group, coupled simulation group, land group.
- interacts effectively with the PCMDI's metrics package and the ARM diagnostics package through a unifying framework: Community Diagnostics Package (CDP).
- is flexible for user specified diagnostics and being configured for use by other climate models.
Algorithm and visulization codes for the AMWG Set 5, 7, 4, 3 diagnostics, namely lat-lon contour plots (Figure 1), polar contour plots (Figure 2), pressure-lat contour plots (Figure 3), and zonal mean line plots (Figure 4) for climatology seasonal means, are done for testing.
The package enables the AMWG Set 5 diagnostics and features built-in user diagnostics, by specifying user desired diagnostics regions and pressure levels for variables with the vertical dimension.
Figure 1: An example of the lat-lon contour plots for air temperature at 850 mb with tropical ocean region considered
- Quickstart guide for AIMS4
- Installation, Basic Configuration, and Running
- More Configuration
- Defining Parameters and All Available Parameters
- Adding User Diagnostics
- List of Built-in Derived Variables - look for
around line 190
- CDP Viewer documentation