Brad Hersey, Steve Mazanec, Joe Wancho, Rhonda Johnson
LODI is an app used for local home contractors. A contractor can add information to the database. A customer can add reviews for a contractor. When a review is added, the contractor's overall average rating is updated.
LODI uses MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, and a sequalized ORM. The app follows the MVC design pattern. Node and MySQL are to query and route data in the app. Handlebars is used to generate the HTML.
- Node.js
- Handlebars
- express NPM Package
- mysql NPM Package
- sequelize ORM
- handlebars NPM Package
- express-handlebars NPM Package
- Leaflet.js
- Mapbox api
- Tablesort - jAuery plug-in
- Validation - npm jQuery validation
- Node geocoder - with mapquest api
- A Review model is associated with the main Contractor model