Laravel Web3 is a Laravel SDK wrapper for the Web3 PHP API client that interacts with the Ethereum blockchain.
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You can install the package via composer:
composer require renoki-co/laravel-web3 --ignore-platform-reqs
Publish the config:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RenokiCo\LaravelWeb3\LaravelWeb3ServiceProvider" --tag="config"
The client configuration can be found in the config/web3.php
file. Each call will be made from the \Web3\Web3
use RenokiCo\LaravelWeb3\Web3Facade;
Web3Facade::eth()->provider->execute(function ($err, $data) {
The package supports multiple connections configurations. If you wish to select a specific one (not the default one), call connection
before getting the cluster.
use RenokiCo\LaravelWeb3\Web3Facade;
Web3Facade::connection('http2')->eth()->provider->execute(function ($err, $data) {
The following methods are also available to start with:
use RenokiCo\LaravelWeb3\Web3Facade;
Web3Facade::eth(); // equivalent of $web3->eth
Web3Facade::net(); // equivalent of $web3->net
Web3Facade::personal(); // equivalent of $web3->personal
Web3Facade::shh(); // equivalent of $web3->shh
Web3Facade::utils(); // equivalent of $web3->utils
You can also initialize contracts with the same configuration:
use RenokiCo\LaravelWeb3\Web3Facade;
Web3Facade::contract($abi, 'latest')
->new($params, $callback);
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.