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Ansible role ntfy

Installs and configures ntfy (server) on linux systems.


No special system requirements. ansible_version_minimum: "4.0.0" or newer is required.d.

Role Variables

Here comes a list of variables you can change to meet your requirements. The defaults are listed alongside the variable names.

Version variables

ntfy_version: latest

Determines which version of ntfy you want to install. Valid values are latest or precise versions like 2.0.0.

Installation variables

ntfy_installation_mode: binary

There are three possible ways to install ntfy:

  • binary: Install ntfy by downloading a binary release file.
  • package_download: Download a platorm specific installation package (.deb, .rpm) for installation. This is supported by operating systems of the Debian and RedHat family.
  • package_repo: A repo is added to the standard package management toolchain and ntfy is installed from this repo afterwards. This is only supported by operating systems of the Debian family.

ntfy_installation_mode_binary_systemd_enabled: true

Only used when binary is the installation mode.

Choose whether to install a systemd service unit along with the binary.

Configuration variables

ntfy_config_mode: dict

Choose how you want to configure the ntfy server instance (will be written to /etc/ntfy/server.yml). Look at the ntfy server settings documentation for valid values. The ways for configuration are:

  • dict: A dictionary defined via ntfy_config_dict will be used for that.
  • template: A template will be used that is set via ntfy_config_template.

  base-url: "http://localhost"
  cache-file: "{{ ntfy_dirs_cache }}/cache.db"
  attachment-cache-dir: "{{ ntfy_dirs_attachment }}"

Build a dictionary that takes the same keys/values that are allowed by the ntfy server configuration.

ntfy_config_template: None

Path to a local template file that will be written to /etc/ntfy/server.yml.

System variables

Hint: The role installs a user/group combination ntfy/ntfy onto your system.

ntfy_system_group_gid: true

If you wish you can define a custom gid for the group ntfy.

ntfy_system_user_uid: true

If you wish you can define a custom gid for the user ntfy.

ntfy_system_user_additional_groups: []

Optionally add the user ntfy to more groups. For example to read TLS certificates that can be read by the group ssl-cert.


No dependencies

Example Playbook


# Installs the latest version of ntfy with default values
- hosts: all
        - { role: stevenengland.ntfy }


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