ctag is a tag-cloud generator, a first version was written for the 5. coding contest of http://www.freiesmagazin.de/, but i rewrote most parts.
In general you need:
- python3,
- python3-tk
- python3-venv
- pdftotext (for pdf support as input)
- inkscape (for pdf support as output)
- pandoc (for markdown, docx, ... support)
All python requirements are listet in requirements.list
You can easily install a local virtual python environment using ./prepare.sh
, after running this script
you can use ./ctag.sh
for running all commands.
./ctag.sh examples/ascii --pdf_output
Just run ./ctag.sh -h
usage: ctag.py [-h] [--cpu_count CPU_COUNT] [--output_file OUTPUT_FILE]
[--remove_stop_words] [--min_freq MIN_FREQ] [--min_len MIN_LEN]
[--language LANGUAGE] [--pdf_output] [--debug]
inputfile [inputfile ...]
ctag - tag cloud generator
positional arguments:
inputfile input file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cpu_count CPU_COUNT
cpus/threads that are used for processing (default: 2)
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE
outputfile for storing tag cloud (default: cloud.svg)
--remove_stop_words remove stopswords (default: True)
--min_freq MIN_FREQ minimum freq of a word (default: 4)
--min_len MIN_LEN minimum length of a word (default: 2)
--language LANGUAGE language in which the text is (default: german)
--pdf_output build a pdf file (default: False)
--debug debug mode (e.g. store intermediate results) (default: