#Helpers Helpers can be used as a shortcut to create small functional pieces of code.
All defined helpers reside under the $h module that can be injected into controllers, behaviors and boundaries.
// this helper does not have dependencies
stik.helper("hasClass", function(){
return function(elm, selector){
var className = " " + selector + " ";
return (" " + elm.className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(className) > -1;
// the helper defined below depends on the
// previously defined hasClass helper
stik.helper("toggleClass", function(hasClass){
return function(elm, selector){
if (hasClass(elm, selector)) {
var regex = new RegExp("\\b\\s?" + selector + "\\b", "g");
elm.className = elm.className.replace(regex, '');
} else if (!hasClass(elm, selector)) {
elm.className += " " + selector;
##Using it
stik.controller("AppCtrl", "List", function($template, $h){
$h.toggleClass($template, "stik-is-awesome");
stik.behavior("shine-on-focus", function($template, $h){
$template.addEventListener("focus", function(){
$h.toggleClass($template, "shining");
$template.addEventListener('blur', function(){
$h.toggleClass($template, "shining");
as: "myAwesomeExternalLibraryBoundary",
from: "controller",
resolvable: true,
to: function($h, $template){
var http = new SomeHttpLibrary();
if ($h.hasClass($template, 'not-loaded')) {
$h.toggleClass($template, 'loading-done');
##$window Allows you to mock the window global obj
stik.behavior("someWindowDependentBehavior", function($window){
// in this way you can later on
// mock the window object on your tests
// or
stik.helper("clearTimeout", function($window){
return $window.clearTimeout;
##debounce Debouncing ensures that a method gets executed only once, during the specified interval, even if several calls were triggered.
stik.behavior("shineOnMouseMove", function($h, $template){
function shine(){
shine.bind({}, $template);
// the `shineThis` function will only be called
// once within 500ms even if the browser triggers
// 100+ mouse events
$template.addEventListener("mousemove", $h.debounce(shine, 500));
##isArray Returns true or false for wether the obj is an instance of Array
stik.controller("AppCtrl", "List", function($h){
$h.isArray([1,2,3]); // true
$h.isArray({"a": 1}); // false
##deepExtend Gives you the ability to deep copy all properties and values from one object to another.
stik.controller("AppCtrl", "Post", function($h, httpGet){
currentPost = {};
anotherPost = httpGet("/posts/1029783.json");
$h.deepExtend currentPost, anotherPost
// currentPost will have all new properties
// and values from anotherPost
##zip Merges two arrays into a third
stik.controller("AppCtrl", "List", function($h){
var firstArray = [1,2,3];
var secondArray = [4,5,6];
$h.zip(firstArray, secondArray); // [1,2,3,4,5,6]