The ChatApp is a mobile app which provides users with a START screen, a very basic CHAT interface, and options to share images and their location.
Git Repo:
Download repo from above URL and install in a directory.
In terminal window within that directory:
Set up Node to version 16.19.0
nvm install 16.19.0 nvm use 16.19.0
Install Expo and Expo CLI
npm install -g expo-cli
Install project dependencies (see full list below):
npm install
To start Dev server for mobile devices, enter:
npm start (this runs expo start from a script)
With server running:
To reload a session, hit 'r' To add an android device, hit 'a'
**Note: As Expo SDK is upgraded, the old version installed in the app may not work with Expo Go. In which case: Install the new version of the expo SDK (at the time of this writing it was SDK 51)
npm install expo@latest
...then upgrade dependencies:
npx expo install --fix
Be sure to read the SDK changelogs for the SDK version you are upgrading to. They contain information about changes and depreciations which may affect the app.
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage: 1.21.0,
@react-native-community/netinfo: 11.1.0,
@react-navigation/native: ^6.1.17,
@react-navigation/native-stack: ^6.9.26,
dotenv: ^16.4.5,
expo: ~50.0.14,
expo-constants: ^15.4.6,
expo-status-bar: ~1.11.1,
firebase: ^10.3.1,
image-picker: ^0.3.1,
react: 18.2.0,
react-native: 0.73.6,
react-native-config: ^1.5.1,
react-native-gifted-chat: ^2.4.0,
react-native-maps: ^1.14.0,
react-native-screens: ~3.29.0,
react-native-toast-message: ^2.2.0,
react-native-vector-icons: ^10.0.3,
expo-image-picker: ~14.7.1,
expo-location: ~16.5.5
Install Expo Go on a mobile device by downloading it from the relevant app store
Upon running server in Dev environement (npm start), a QR code and an address will pop up
Scan QR code or enter the address into Expo Go to launch the app in Expo Go on the device
Install and configure Android Studio to create an emulated device if desired (not required)
See Expo Go for more information or documentation:
In order to use the app, you must set up a Firebase Firestore database, create a .env file for authentication, and set up storage parameters
Instructions follow on how to do this with specifics for this application. It is recommended you follow these instructions or guidelines.
Setup a Firebase database at
Once logged into Firebase, select "Create a project"
Enter the name for the project 'ChatApp'
Enable or disable Google Analytics as you wish (for these instructions, disable this)
Click on "Create Project" and allow Firebase to create the project
This gets you to the overview page. On left panel, click on 'Firestore Database'
Select 'Create database' in middle of screen
Select production mode or test mode as desired, for these instructions we are choosing production mode
Chose the relevant Cloud Firestore location (likely will be default to your proper location), and click 'Enable'
After set up, you should be on the Cloud Firestore page for the project
You do not need to start a collection, as this is done automatically through the app, so you can leave the Data Tab alone
No collections need to be initialized, the app will set these along with the document format within the database
In the RULES tab, be sure to change this line: "allow read, write: if false;" to true, as such:
allow read, write: if true;
This allows free read/write access to the database, which the app requires.
In Firebase, click 'Build' --> 'Authentication' on the left side menu
Click 'Get started' Button
on 'Sign-in method' tab, select 'Anonymous'
Click 'Enable' on the form which follows to allow Anonymous sign-ins.
From main page of your Firebase Project, select the GEAR icon and then 'Project Settings'
Under the 'General' Tab, scroll to section 'Your Apps'
Click the 'Firestore for Web' Button (may be shown as </> icon)
Fill in name for app and then click 'Register app' to generate configuration code
Copy the following information (without quotes) from firstbaseConfig object:
apiKey authDomain projectId storageBucket messagingSenderId appId
Place the information into the relevant fields (without quotes) into the file .env-template in the root directiory
Rename ".env-template" to ".env" (this file will be ignored by git repositories, so it's safe to store keys and sensitive data in this file)
This is required in order to be able to store images in Firestore
In Firebase, select the project again and select "Storage" from the left side pane
Click 'Get Started' in the middle of tha page
Again, select Production Mode and your region in the next menus, Firebase will then set up the Storage bucket
As before, go to the 'Rules' tab and be sure to change this line: "allow read, write: if false;" to true, as such:
allow read, write: if true;
This allows free read/write access to the database, which the app requires.