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File metadata and controls

63 lines (47 loc) · 5.03 KB


The canonical location of the Open Cluster Management API definition.

Generating CRD for the first time

To generate a CRD for the first time, please follow the following steps:

  1. Make sure you have controller-gen locally installed in _output/tools/bin directory. If not, you can use make ensure-controller-gen to build one.
  2. Run '_output/tools/bin/controller-gen' crd:preserveUnknownFields=false paths="<API_DIRECTORY>" output:dir="<API_DIRECTORY>" to generate a CRD.
    • API_DIRECTORY is the location of your APIs. For example, addon APIs are in ./addon/v1alpha1 directory. You will need doc.go and types.go created in your API_DIRECTORY.
  3. Rename the CRD to follow the naming convention 0000_0x_<GROUP>_<RESOURCE>.crd.yaml.
    • 0x should be a monotonically increasing number for each CRD in the API_DIRECTORY, and should start from 00.
    • GROUP is the group of your API, and RESOURCE is the resource name. For example, ManagedCluster is using
  4. Remove metadata.annotations in the generated CRD. The generated CRD will have an annotation of the generator's version equals to (devel) as showed below, and we can simply remove these two lines:
     annotations: (devel)

Updating CRD schemas

If you make a change to a CRD type in this repo, calling make update-codegen-crds should regenerate all CRDs and update the manifests. If yours is not updated, ensure that the path to its API is included in our calls to the Makefile targets.

To add this generator to another repo:

  1. Vendor (and ensure that the alpha-build-machinery subdirectory is also included in your vendor)

  2. Update your Makefile to include the following:

include $(addprefix ./vendor/, \
  targets/openshift/ \


The parameters for the call are:

  1. TARGET_NAME: The name of your generated Make target. This can be anything, as long as it does not conflict with another make target. Recommended to be your api name.
  2. API_DIRECTORY: The location of your API. For example if your Go types are located under pkg/apis/myoperator/v1/types.go, this should be ./pkg/apis/myoperator/v1.
  3. CRD_MANIFESTS: The directory your CRDs are located in. For example, if that is manifests/my_operator.crd.yaml then it should be ./manifests
  4. MANIFEST_OUTPUT: This should most likely be the same as CRD_MANIFESTS, and is only provided for flexibility to output generated code to a different directory.

You can include as many calls to different APIs as necessary, or if you have multiple APIs under the same directory (eg, v1 and v2beta1) you can use 1 call to the parent directory pointing to your API.

After this, calling make update-codegen-crds should generate a new structural OpenAPIV3 schema for your CRDs.


  • This will not generate entire CRDs, only their OpenAPIV3 schemas. If you do not already have a CRD, you will get no output from the generator.
  • Ensure that your API is correctly declared for the generator to pick it up. That means, in your doc.go, include the following:
    1. // +groupName=<API_GROUP_NAME>, this should match the group in your CRD spec
    2. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional, this tells the operator that fields should be optional unless explicitly marked with // +kubebuilder:validation:Required
  • This will not touch any non-schema fields in the CRD. For example, additionalPrinterColumns & preserveUnknownFields. To regenerate those fields, please follow the instructions in the Generating CRD for the first time section.

For more information on the API markers to add to your Go types, see the Kubebuilder book

Generating code

To generate zz_generated.deepcopy.go & zz_generated.swagger_doc_generated.go:

  1. You will need to create a register.go file in your API_DIRECTORY. You can get an example from /cluster/v1/register.go. Make sure the package, GroupName, and GroupVersion are correct. Make sure the addKnownTypes() function adds types you are creating in types.go.
  2. Add add-crd-gen in Makefile (step 2 of Updating CRD schemas).
  3. Run make update-scripts to see zz_generated.deepcopy.go & zz_generated.swagger_doc_generated.go generated in your API directory, and along with some related scripts generated in client directory. If zz_generated.deepcopy.go is not generated properly, please run the command in a container with RUNTIME=docker make generate-with-container (if you are using podman, set RUNTIME=podman).


Before you commit you changes, please run make verify locally to make sure you have generated all required files.