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VALDI: Launch the Stable Diffusion Web UI

Kaloyan Raev edited this page Jul 26, 2023 · 1 revision


Find the external port number of Stable Diffusion Web UI

The Stable Diffusion Web UI runs on port 7860. This is the port number inside the Docker container, and it is not directly accessible. In the Launch the Docker container in inference mode step, this port was mapped to the host's HTTPS port 443. This port is not directly accessible too. The VM forwards it to an external port through the firewall. You can connect to this external port number.

You can find the external port number on the VM info page.


Connect to the Stable Diffusion Web UI

Open your web browser at the following URL:


Replace <ip-address> with the actual IP address of your VM and <external-port-number> with the port number identified in the previous step.

Unleash your creativity

If you configured the Docker container to download your AI models from Storj automatically, the Stable Diffusion Web UI will load them. Otherwise, it will load the default Stable Diffusion v1.5 model.

Follow the Stable Diffusion Web UI documentation to create fantastic images.


Next step

Launch the Stable Studio.