A clean and intuitive weather application using the OpenWeather API.
- Allows users to view the weather for a chosen city or their current location
- Current Weather
- 24 Hour Forecast
- 7 Day Forecast
- Autocomplete provides suggestions as a user types a location
- Precise weather details such as humidity, wind speed, and pressure are provided at the time of searching
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/stpodlogar/KeyForecast-Weather.git
# Install Dependencies
npm install
# Run the app
npm start
- OpenWeather API - weather data and information
- Netlify Serverless Functions - allows secure use of API endpoints without the need for a separate server
- AWS CloudFront - CDN to serve weather icons quickly and securely
- Google Places API - provides places autocomplete and geolocation services
- Icons8 - weather icons