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Straal SDK for iOS written in Swift. A brilliant payment solution for disruptive businesses.


Straal for iOS is a helper library to make it easier to make API requests directly from merchant's mobile iOS App. It utilizes client-side encryption and sends data over HTTPS to make secure requests creating transactions and adding cards.


Straal SDK requires deployment target of iOS 13.0+ and Xcode 11.0+.

Back end

You also need a back-end service which will handle payment information and create CryptKeys for the app. For more, see Straal API Reference.

Your back-end service needs to implement at least one endpoint at https://_base_url_/straal/v1/cryptkeys. This endpoint is used by this SDK to fetch CryptKeys that encrypt sensitive user data. To customize the path at which you fetch your CryptKey, you can use StraalConfiguration.

It is your back end's job to authorize the user and reject the CryptKey fetch if necessary.

Return URL Scheme

Our SDK performs external 3D-Secure user verification (it supports 3ds-v2). We need a way to return from user's browser (or any other verification banking app) to your application, once the transaction is verified. There are a few steps to configuring universal links in your app:

  1. In Xcode, click on your project in the Project Navigator and navigate to App Target > Info
  2. Under URL Types add a new type
  3. Call it Payment (Identifier). Your URL Scheme is the most important part. Use a unique (globally) scheme. A good candidate is your app Bundle Identifier with a .payments suffix. So for example:
  4. That URL Scheme will now be handled by your app by iOS, so we will be able to redirect 3D-Secure operations back to the app.
  5. Be sure to pass the exact same URL Scheme to StraalConfiguration when initializing it in runtime.

Then you need to let Straal know about external user activity during 3DS process. To do that, add a method to your SceneDelegate:

func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
  URLContexts.forEach { context in

Or if you're using Swift UI App, add an onOpenURL handler to your main WindowGroup view, like here:

var body: some Scene {
  WindowGroup {
      .onOpenURL(perform: { url in

This will allow Straal to close any SFSafariViewController View Controllers needed for 3DS processing.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate Straal into your project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'Straal', '~> 1.0.0'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

To integrate Straal into your project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "straal/straal-ios" ~> 1.0.0

Run carthage update --use-xcframeworks to build the framework and drag the built Straal.framework into your Xcode project.

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift packages. It’s integrated with the Swift build system and Xcode.

To integrate Straal into your project using Swift Package Manager, add it to your Xcode project or to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))



To use Straal for iOS, you need your own back-end service and an iOS app which you want to use to accept payments.

This SDK lets you implement a secure payment process into your app. Your user's sensitive data (such as credit card numbers) is sent directly from the mobile application, so no card data will hit your servers. It results in improved security and fewer PCI compliance requirements.

The security of this process is ensured by a CryptKey mechanism. Your merchant back-end service is responsible for authorizing the app user for a specific CryptKey operation. This is done via headers in configuration.

Initial configuration

First, create a StraalConfiguration object (which consists of your Merchant URL and authorization headers). Then, create your Straal object using the configuration.

You can also add additional cryptKeyPath which will be the URL at which we would fetch your backend service for a new crypt key. If you don't provide a value here, we'll use the default which is https://_base_url_/straal/v1/cryptkeys.

let url = URL(string: "")!
let returnURLScheme = "" // For more instructions see above
let headers = ["x-user-token": myUserToken] // You have to authorize your user on cryptkeys endpoint using this header!
let configuration = StraalConfiguration(baseUrl: url, returnURLScheme: returnURLScheme, headers: headers)
let straal = Straal(configuration: configuration)

Note: Once your app needs to change the authorization headers (user logs out or in), you need to create a new Straal object. Neither Straal nor StraalConfiguration objects are meant to be reused or changed.

Once you have your Straal object, you can submit Operations to it.


Create a card

The first operation is CreateCard.

//You should get those from your UI inputs
let name = CardholderName(fullName: "John Appleseed")
let cvv = CVV(rawValue: "000")
let expiry = Expiry(month: "04", year: "2021")
let number = CardNumber(rawValue: "5555 5555 5555 4444")

//Now create a card object. You can optionally validate a card.
let card = Card(name: name, number: number, cvv: cvv, expiry: expiry)

// Initialise a create card operation
let createCardOperation = CreateCard(card: card)

// Now you can submit the operation for execution
straal.perform(operation: createCardOperation) { (response, error) in
  // handle error and react to the response

Note what happens under the hood when you call this last method. First, your merchant back end is fetched on cryptkeys endpoint with this POST request:

  "permission": ""

Your back end's job is to authenticate this request (using headers passed to StraalConfiguration), append this JSON with customer_uuid key-value pair and forward it to Straal using this method.

Then, the credit card data is encrypted, sent to Straal directly, processed by Straal, and responded to.

Create a transaction with a card

The second supported operation is CreateTransactionWithCard.

let card = ...
let transaction = Transaction(amount: 200, currency: "usd", reference: "order:92830948i98y")!
let transactionWithCardOperation = CreateTransactionWithCard(card: card, transaction: transaction)

straal.perform(operation: transactionWithCardOperation) { (response, error) in
  // handle error and react to the response

Again, we first fetch your cryptkeys endpoint to fetch a CryptKey. This time with JSON:

  "permission": "v1.transactions.create_with_card",
  "transaction": {
    "amount": 200,
    "currency": "usd",
    "reference": "order:92830948i98y"

It is your back end's responsibility to verify the transaction amount (possibly pairing it with an order using reference), and to authorize the user using request headers.

Init 3D-Secure

The third supported operation is Init3DS.

/// First, create a Card and a Transaction.
let card: Card = ...
let transaction: Transaction = Transaction(amount: 200, currency: "usd")!
let init3DSOperation = Init3DSOperation(card: card, transaction: transaction) { [weak self] controller in
  // This will be called when 3DS is initiated by Straal. Present the controller (UIViewController) passed by Straal to the user, whichever way suits your workflow and design pattern.
  self?.present(controller, animated: true)
} dismiss3DSViewController: { controller in
  // This will be called when 3DS is completed. Do not rely on this method being called, as the viewcontroller can be dismissed in other ways (when cancelled by the user)
  controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
straal.perform(operation: operation) { (response, error) in
  // This will be called once the user completes 3DS and the controller dismisses, or cancels it.
  // This does NOT mean that the transaction succeeded. It indicates the success or failure of 3DS itself.
  // You must communicate with your backend service to be informed about trasaction status (it still needs to be completed)
  // TODO: Handle the response and error

Again, we first fetch your cryptkeys endpoint to fetch a CryptKey. This time with JSON:

  "permission": "v1.customers.authentications_3ds.init_3ds",
  "transaction": {
    "amount": 200,
    "currency": "usd",
    "success_url": "https://your-merchant-backend-url/x-callback-url/straal/success",
    "failure_url": "https://your-merchant-backend-url/x-callback-url/straal/failure"

The failure and success urls are scanned for by 3DS view controller, so please don't change them, as we will not be able to dismiss it.

It is your back end's responsibility to verify the transaction amount (possibly pairing it with an order using reference), and to authorize the user using request headers.


Coming soon


Any suggestions or reports of technical issues are welcome! Contact us via email.


This library is released under Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more info.