A rough Node.js script to generate conference badges using attendee lists in Mailchimp.
I store all my registered attendees, along with a unique ID generated by scan.datasatsto.se, in a Mailchimp list.
You could probably adapt this script to use a different platform like Eventbrite.
My workflow for this is
- design a nice template with all the branding, sponsor logos, etc
- send this template to a print shop
- load the printouts in my laser printer
- generate a PDF document using this utility
- print that PDF on the templates.
Install all the Node modules by running
npm install
Copy config.js.template to config.js and configure the PDF paper size and the size of your badges (horizontal and vertical count) as well as the base domain name for the QR code URLs, etc.
node generate_badges.js
This will generate a PDF document that you can inspect before printing.