Rye is a Pythonic scripting language for the Go ecosystem. Rye translates a rigid subset of old-school Python into Go.
Why Go?
- the Go runtime rules
- Go libraries rule
- Go concurrency rules
Why Python?
- I love Single Inheritance.
- I love exceptions.
- I love duck typing. (Yeah, those all have their problems, but for some projects, they're the problems I choose.)
- None, bool, int, float. (All ints are int64; there is no long. Use Go's math/big if you need big ints.)
- str, byt. (byt corresponds to []byte in Go. It converts to/from str, but also to/from a list of int.)
- tuple, list, dict, set. Iterators on them.
- object (ultimate superclass of all user-defined classes).
- Various callable things: named functions, lambda exprs, class constructors, uncalled instance methods.
- Reflective references to Go objects (passed in and out of Go functions).
- go fn(x, y, z, ...) is an expression, returning a promise, running in background. You can Wait() for the result.
- Generator functions (those using yield) run in their own goroutine, when iterated in a "for" loop.
- Go libaries (like net/http) also create goroutines, which can call back into Rye functions.
Rye Modules
- Each source .py file defines 1 module (not each directory, as in go).
- Import statements: - from . import stuff # where stuff.py is another Rye module - from go import net/http # Go standard library - from go import github.com/russross/blackfriday # Other Go packages - import re # A small amount of python library emulation is available.
- All ints are int64. No longs.
- No monkey-patching.
- No module reflection (yet).
- Many builtins and methods on builtin types are missing.
- No python libraries. Use go libraries.
- No nested classes. No class methods.
- Dictionary keys are converted to strings (as in javascript).
- No code blocks after ":" on same line with "if", "for", etc., statements.
- Continued lines (due to unclosed parens, etc.) should indent but not outdent.
- Lack of meaningful error messages due to unclosed parens, etc. (Obscured by "continued line" logic.)
- More limitations.
- Also bugs.
Compile & Run
- python .../rye/compiler/rye.py build src.py (creates a binary).
- python .../rye/compiler/rye.py run src.py arg1 arg2...
Interpreter (not working any more)
- python .../rye/rye.py interp src.py
- Commands /b ; /g ; /l ; (builtins; globals; locals)
- work in progress.
- tests/ directory.
- The compiler is written in rye (actually, the common subset of python and rye).
- See also "strickyak/aphid" github for lots of Rye code.