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330 lines (262 loc) · 29.1 KB

6.0.0, in development


  • veneur has new configuration options forward_timeout, metrics_flush_timeout, and span_flush_timeout. They control how long veneur will allow for each flush operation to take and report an error if the flush takes longer than expected. Thanks, antifuchs!

5.0.0, 2018-05-17


  • Added a timeout for sink ingestion to all sinks, which prevents a single slow sink from blocking ingestion on other span sinks indefinitely. Thanks, aditya!
  • Added trace.SetDefaultClient to handle overridding the default trace client, and closing the existing one. Thanks, franklinhu


  • Veneur's key performance indicator metrics for metrics processing are reported through the statsd client. This way, KPI metrics are affected only by the metrics pipeline, not the tracing pipeline as well.
  • SignalFX sink can now handle and convert ssf service checks (represented as a gauge). Thanks, stealthcode!
  • Converted the grpsink to use unary instead of stream RPCs. Thanks, sdboyer!
  • Bumped version of SignalFx go client to prevent accidental removal of - from tag keys. Thanks, gphat!
  • Switched to a faster consistent hash implementation. Thanks, aditya and noahgoldman!
  • Reduce mutex contention around the default RNG in the math/rand standard library package. Thanks, aditya!
  • Improve performance of ssf.RandomlySample by a factor of one million. Thanks, aditya!
  • Added additional metrics for internal memory usage. Thanks, aditya!
    • gc.alloc_heap_bytes_total
    • gc.mallocs_objects_total
    • gc.GCCPUFraction


  • The ignored-labels and ignored-metrics flags for veneur-prometheus will filter no metrics or labels if no filter is specified. Thanks, arjenvanderende!
  • Fixed problem where all Datadog service checks were set to OK instead of the supplied value. Thanks, gphat!
  • Added a timeout to the Kafka sink, which prevents the Kafka client from blocking other span sinks. Thanks, aditya!


  • Official support for building Veneur's binaries with Go 1.8 has been dropped. Supported versions of Go for building Veneur 1.9, 1.10, or tip.
  • Veneur's trace client library can still be used in applications that are built with Go 1.8, but it is no longer tested against Go 1.8.
  • The veneur.ssf.received_total metric has been removed, as it is mostly redundant with veneur.ssf.spans.received_total, and was not reported consistently between packet and framed formats.
  • The veneur.ssf.spans.received_total metric now tracks all SSF data received, in either packet or framed format, whether or not a valid span was extracted.

4.0.0, 2018-04-13


  • Receiving SSF in UDP packets now happens on num_readers goroutines. Thanks, antifuchs
  • Updated SignalFx library dependency so that compression is enabled by default, saving significant time on large metric bodies. Thanks, gphat
  • Decreased logging output of veneur-proxy. Thanks, gphat!
  • Better warnings when invalid flag combinations are passed to veneur-emit. Thanks, sdboyer!
  • Revamped how sinks handle DogStatsD's events and service checks. Thanks, gphat
    • veneur.worker.events_flushed_total and veneur.worker.checks_flushed_total have been replaced by veneur.worker.other_samples_flushed_total
    • veneur.flush.event_worker_duration_ns has been replaced by veneur.flush.other_samples_duration_ns


  • The new tags_exclude parameter can be used to strip tags from all metrics Veneur processes, either for all supported sinks or a subset of sinks. Thanks, aditya!
  • The SSF client now defaults to opening 8 connections in parallel to avoid blocking client code. Thanks, antifuchs!
  • New config settings num_span_workers and span_channel_capacity that allow you to customize the parallelism of span ingestion. Thanks, antifuchs!
  • New span sink utilization metrics - Thanks, antifuchs:
    • veneur.sink.span_ingest_total_duration_ns gives the total time per sink spent ingesting spans
    • veneur.worker.span_chan.total_elements over veneur.worker.span_chan.total_capacity gives the utilization of the sink ingestion channel.
  • Introduce a generic gRPC streaming backend for trace spans. Thanks, sdboyer!
  • New config keys signalfx_vary_key_by and signalfx_per_tag_api_keys which which allow sending signalfx data points with an API key specific to these data points' dimensions. Thanks, antifuchs!
  • veneur-proxy now reports runtime metrics (with the prefix veneur-proxy.) at a configurable interval controlled by runtime_metrics_interval. It defaults to 10s. Thanks gphat!
  • Allow specifying trace start/end times on veneur-emit. Thanks, sdboyer!
  • Default span_channel_capacity to a non-zero value so we don't drop most spans in a minimal configuration. Thanks, gphat!
  • Added tests for parsing floating point timers and histograms, just in case! Thanks gphat!
  • New ignored-labels and ignored-metrics flags added to veneur-prometheus to selectively restrict exports to Veneur. Thanks, yolken!

3.0.0, 2018-02-27

Incompatible changes

  • These deprecated configuration keys are no longer supported and will cause an error on startup if used in a veneur config file:
    • api_hostname - replaced in 1.5.0 by datadog_api_hostname
    • key - replaced in 1.5.0 by datadog_api_key
    • trace_address - replaced in 1.7.0 by ssf_listen_addresses
    • trace_api_address - replaced in 1.5.0 by datadog_trace_api_address
    • ssf_address - replaced in 1.7.0 by ssf_listen_addresses
    • tcp_address and udp_address - replaced in 1.7.0 by statsd_listen_addresses
  • These metrics have changed names:
    • Datadog, MetricExtraction, and SignalFx sinks now emit veneur.sink.metric_flush_total_duration_ns for metric flush duration and tag it with sink
    • Datadog, Kafka, MetricExtraction, and SignalFx sinks now emits sink.metrics_flushed_total for metric flush counts and tag it with sink
    • Datadog and LightStep sinks now emit veneur.sink.span_flush_total_duration_ns for span flush duration and tag it with sink
    • Datadog, Kafka, MetricExtraction, and LightStep sinks now emit sink.spans_flushed_total for metric flush counts and tag it with sink
  • Veneur's internal metrics are no longer tagged with veneurlocalonly. This means that percentile metrics (such as timers) will now be aggregated globally.


  • LightStep sink was hardcoded to use plaintext, now adjusts based on URL scheme (http versus https). Thanks gphat!
  • The Datadog sink will no longer panic if flush_max_per_body is not configured; a default is used instead. Thanks silverlyra!
  • The statsd source will no longer reject all packets if metric_max_length is not configured; a default is used instead. Thanks silverlyra!


  • veneur-emit now infers parent and trace IDs from the environment (using the variables VENEUR_EMIT_TRACE_ID and VENEUR_EMIT_PARENT_SPAN_ID) and sets these environment variables from its -trace_id and parent_span_id when timing commands, allowing for convenient construction of trace trees if traced programs call veneur-emit themselves. Thanks, antifuchs
  • The Kafka sink for spans can now sample spans (at a rate determined by kafka_span_sample_rate_percent) based off of traceIDs (by default) or a tag's values (configurable via kafka_span_sample_tag) to consistently sample spans related to each other. Thanks, rhwlo!
  • Improvements in SSF metrics reporting - thanks, antifuchs!
    • Function ssf.RandomlySample that takes an array of samples and a sample rate and randomly drops those samples, adjusting the kept samples' rates
    • New variable ssf.NamePrefix that can be used to prepend a common name prefix to SSF sample names.
    • Package trace/metrics, containing functions that allow reporting metrics through a trace client.
    • New type ssf.Samples holding a batch of samples which can be submitted conveniently through trace/metrics.
    • Method trace.(*Trace).Add, which allows adding metrics to a trace span.
  • veneur-proxy has a new configuration option forward_timeout which allows specifying how long forwarding a batch to global veneur servers may take in total. Thanks, antifuchs!
  • Add native support for running Veneur within Kubernetes. Thanks, aditya!


  • Updated Datadog span sink to latest version in Datadog tracing agent. Thanks, gphat!

2.0.0, 2018-01-09

Incompatible changes

  • The semantics around veneur-emit command timing have changed: -shellCommand argument has been renamed to -command, and -command is now gone. The only way to time a command is to provide the command and its arguments as separate arguments, the method of passing in a shell-escaped string is no longer supported.


  • A SignalFx sink has been added for flushing metrics to SignalFx. Thanks, gphat!
  • A Kafka sink has been added for publishing spans or metrics. Thanks, parabuzzle and gphat!
  • Buffered trace clients in now have a new option to automatically flush them in a periodic interval. Thanks, antifuchs!
  • Gauges can now be marked as veneurglobalonly to be globally "last write wins". Thanks gphat!
  • veneur-emit now takes -span_service, -trace_id, -parent_span_id, and -indicator arguments. These (combined with -ssf) allow submitting spans for tracing when recording timing data for commands. In addition, -timing with -ssf now works, too.
  • The package now has a few helper functions to create samples that can be attached to spans: Count, Gauge, Histogram, Timing. In addition, veneur now has a span sink that extracts these samples and treats them as metrics. Thanks, antifuchs
  • Spans sent to Lightstep now have an indicator tag set, indicating whether the span is an indicator span or not. Thanks, aditya!
  • veneur-emit -command now streams output from the invoked program's stdout/stderr to its own stdout/stderr. Thanks, antifuchs!
  • Veneur now supports the tag veneursinkonly:<sink_name> on metrics, which routes the metric to only the sink specified. See the docs here. Thanks, antifuchs!


  • Veneur now emits a timer metric giving the duration (in nanoseconds) of every "indicator" span that it receives, if you configure the setting indicator_span_timer_name. Thanks, antifuchs!
  • All sinks have been moved to their own packages for smaller code and better interfaces. Thanks gphat!
  • Removed noisy Sentry events that duplicated Datadog error reporting. Thanks, aditya!
  • Veneur now reuses HTTP connections for forwarding and Datadog flushes. Furthermore each phase of the HTTP request is traced and can be seen using the trace sink of your choice. This should drastically improve performance and reliability for installs with large numbers of instances. Thanks gphat!

1.8.1, 2017-12-05


  • Veneur now tracks statsd metrics for SSF spans concerning its own operation. This means that the veneur.ssf.spans.received_total counter and the veneur.ssf.packet_size histogram again reflect trace spans routed internally. Thanks, antifuchs!

1.8.0, 2017-11-29


  • New 'blackhole' sink for testing and benchmark purposes. Thanks gphat!


  • Veneur no longer requires the use of Datadog as a target for flushes. Veneur can now use one or more of any of its supported sinks as a backend. This realizes our desire for Veneur to be fully vendor agnostic. Thanks gphat!
  • The package now depends on fewer other packages across veneur, making it easier to pull in trace as a dependency. Thanks antifuchs!
  • A Veneur server with tracing enabled now submits traces and spans concerning its own operation to itself internally without sending them over UDP. See the "Upgrade Notes" section below for metrics affected by this change. Thanks antifuchs!
  • veneur-prometheus and veneur-proxy executables are now included in the docker images. Thanks jac
  • All Veneur executables are now in $PATH in the docker images. Thanks jac
  • When using Lightstep as a tracing sink, spans can be load-balanced more evenly across collectors by configuring the trace_lightstep_num_clients option to multiplex across multiple clients. Thanks aditya!
  • sync_with_interval is a new configuration option! If enabled, when starting, Veneur will now delay its first metric to be aligned with an interval boundary on the local clock. This will effectively "synchronize" Veneur instances across your deployment assuming reasonable clock behavior. The result is a metric timestamps in your TSDB that mostly line up improving bucketing behavior. Thanks gphat!
  • Cleaned up some linter warnings. Thanks gphat!
  • Tests no longer depend on implicit presence of a Datadog metric or span sink. Thanks gphat!
  • Refactor internal HTTP helper into its own package fix up possible circular deps. Thanks gphat!


  • Fix a panic when using veneur-emit to emit metrics via -ssf when no tags are specified. Thanks myndzi
  • Remove spurious warnings about unset configuration settings. Thanks antifuchs


  • Removed the InfluxDB plugin as it was experimental and wasn't working. We can make a sink for it in the future if desired. Thanks gphat!

1.7.0, 2017-10-19

Notes for upgrading from previous versions

  • The set data structure serialization format for communiation with a global Veneur server has changed in an incompatible way. If your infrastructure relies on a global Veneur installation, they will drop set data from non-matching versions until the entire fleet and the global Veneur are all at the same version.
  • The metrics for SSF packets (and spans) received have changed names: They used to be veneur.packet.received_total and veneur.packet.spans.received_total, respectively, and they are now named veneur.ssf.received_total and veneur.ssf.spans.received_total.


  • New configuration option statsd_listen_addresses, a list of URIs indicating on which ports (and protocols) Veneur should listen on for statsd metrics. This deprecates both the udp_address and tcp_address settings. Thanks antifuchs!
  • New package, containing a wire protocol for sending/reading SSF over a streaming connection. Thanks antifuchs!
  • now contains customizable Clients that support streaming connections.
  • veneur-prometheus now has a -p option for specifying a prefix for all metrics. Thanks gphat!
  • New metrics ssf.spans.tags_per_span and ssf.packet_size track the distribution of tags per span and total packet sizes, respectively.
  • Our super spiffy logo, designed by mercedes, is now included at the top of the README!
  • Refactor internals to use a new intermediary metric struct to facilitate new plugins. Thanks gphat!
  • The BUILD_DATE and VERSION variables can be set at link-time and are now exposed by the /builddate and /version endpoints.


  • A new HyperLogLog implementation means sets are faster and allocate less memory. Thanks, martinpinto and seiflotfy!
  • Introduced a new metricSink which provides a common interface for metric backends. In an upcoming release all plugins will be converted to this interface. Thanks gphat!


  • veneur-emit no longer supports the -config argument, as it's no longer possible to reliably detect which statsd host/port to connect to. The -hostport option now takes a URL of the same form statsd_listen_addresses takes to explicitly tell it what address it should send to.
  • SSFSpanCollection got removed, as it is superseded by the wire protocol. If you need to send multiple spans in bulk, we recommend setting up a buffered trace.Client!

1.6.0, 2017-08-29



As a result of the efficiency improvements in this release, we've seen ~50% reduction in memory usage by way of measuring the allocated heap.

Secondly, the shift in not buffering spans on their way to LightStep should be noted. This changes behavior in Veneur which has traditionally done everything in 10s increments.


  • veneur-proxy no longer balks at using static hosts for tracing and metrics. Thanks gphat!


  • SSF's operation field has been deprecated in favor of the field name.
  • SSF spans with a tag name will have that name placed into the SSF span name field until 2.0 is released.

1.5.2, 2017-08-15


  • Correctly parse Set metrics if sent via SSF. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Return correct array of tags after parsing an SSF metric. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Don't panic if a packet doesn't have tags. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Fix a typo in the link to veneur-emit in the readme. Thanks vasi!


  • Adds events and service checks to veneur-emit. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Switch to dep for managing the vendor directory. Thanks chimeracoder!
  • Remove support for govendor. Thanks chimeracoder!
  • Emit GC metrics at flush time. This feature is best used with Go 1.9 as previous versions cause GC pauses when collecting this information from go. Thanks gphat!
  • Allow configuration of LightStep's reconnect period via trace_lightstep_reconnect_period and the maximum number of spans it will buffer via trace_lightstep_maximum_spans. Thanks gphat!
  • Switch to dep for managing the vendor directory. Thanks chimeracoder!
  • Remove support for govendor. Thanks chimeracoder!
  • Added harmonic mean as an optional aggregate type. Use hmean as an option to the aggregates config option to enable. Thanks non!


  • Added tests for parseMetricSSF. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Refactored veneur-emit flag usage to make testing easier. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Minor text fixes in the README. Thanks an-stripe!
  • Restructured SSF parsing logic and added more tests. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Tag packet.spans.received_total with service from the span. Thanks chimeracoder!

1.5.1, 2017-07-18


  • Flush the lightstep tracer before closing it. Thanks gphat with assist from stangles!


  • Better document how to configure Veneur as a DogStatsD replacement. Thanks gphat with assist from stangles!

1.5.0, 2017-07-13


  • Fixed an error in graceful shutdown of the TCP listener. Thanks evanj!
  • Don't hang if we call log.Fatal and we aren't hooked up to a Sentry. Thanks evanj!
  • Fix flusher_test being called more than once resulting in flappy failure. Thanks evanj!
  • Improve flusher test to not start Veneur, fixing flapping test. Thanks evanj!



  • It is no longer required to emit a sum to get an avg when configuring what aggregations to emit for a histogram. Thanks cgilling!
  • Tags added in the tags config key are now applied to trace spans. Thanks chimeracoder!
  • Additional documentation for veneur-proxy. Thanks gphat!
  • Revamped configuration file organization and comments. Thanks gphat!
  • Changed some config keys to have more specific names to facilitate future refactoring. Thanks gphat!
  • Adjust the flush loop to listen for server shutdown to improve test consistency. Thanks evanj!
  • Veneur can now, experimentally, ingest metrics using the SSF protocol. Thanks redsn0w422!
  • Reresolve the LightStep trace flusher on each flush, accomodating Consul-based DNS use and preventing stale sinks. Thanks chimeracoder!


  • The following configuration keys are deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0 of Veneur:
    • datadog_api_key replaces key
    • datadog_api_hostname replaces api_hostname
    • datadog_trace_api_address replaces trace_api_address
    • ssf_address replaces trace_address

1.4.0, 2017-06-09


  • Require Go 1.8+ and stop building against 1.7 Thanks Thanks chimeracoder!

1.3.1, 2017-06-06


  • Decrease logging level for proxy's "forwarded" messages. Thanks gphat!
  • Failed discovery refreshes now log the service name. Thanks gphat!


  • Proxy no longer requires a trace service name, since it's not wired up. Thanks gphat!

1.3.0, 2017-05-19


  • No longer allow clients to pass in nan, +inf or -inf as a value for a metric, as this caused errors on flush. Thanks gphat!


1.2.0, 2017-04-24


  • Fix flusher_test to properly shutdown HTTP after handling. Thanks evanj!
  • Verify that trace_max_length_bytes is properly set. Thanks evanj!
  • Fix some race conditions in testing.


  • Document performance cost of TLS with RSA and ECDH keys. Thanks evanj!
  • Reduce logging of tracing information to debug level to decrease unnecessary logging.
  • Reduce common TCP error logs to info level. Thanks evanj!
  • Deal with server shutdown without inspecting errors strings. Thanks evanj!
  • Decrease the number of things we send to Sentry as "errors".
  • Detect and emit a metric veneur.packet.error_total tagged reason:toolong for metrics that exceed the metric max length.
  • Emit a metric veneur.packet.error_total tagged reason:zerolength for metrics have no contents.
  • Correct unnecessary allocation / goroutine in TCP connections that was leaking memory. Thanks evanj!
  • Close idle TCP connections after 10 minutes. Thanks evanj!
  • Fixed a lot of go lint errors.


  • Add a metric veneur.sentry.errors_total for number of errors we send to Sentry.
  • New plugin flush_file for writing metrics to a flat file.
  • New /healthcheck/tracing endpoint that returns 200 if this Veneur instance is accepting traces.

1.1.0, 2017-03-02


  • Refactor tests to use a more shareable test fixture. Thanks evanj!
  • Refactor Server's constructor to not start any goroutines and add a Start() that takes care of that, making for easier tests.


  • Hostname and device name tags are now omitted from JSON generated for transmission to Datadog at flush time. Thanks evanj!
  • Fix panic when an error is generated and Sentry is not configured. Thanks evanj!
  • Fix typos in README


  • Add omit_empty_hostname option. If true and hostname tag is set to empty, Veneur will not add a host tag to its own metrics. Thanks evanj!
  • Support "all interfaces" addresses (:1234) for listening configuration. Thanks evanj!
  • Add support for receiving statsd packets over authenticated TLS connections. Thanks evanj!
  • [EXPERIMENTAL] Add InfluxDB support.
  • [EXPERIMENTAL] Add support for ingesting traces and sending to Datadog's APM agent.