I created this program to start working with the C# programming language. In this program, I created a basic Employee management system that collects the employee name and ID# and then saves it into a Txt file. This program allows the user to view all entered employee information and edit them. The program uses a while loop to act as a menu and then each option uses a function to execute. Overall, I achieved my goal of working with the C# programming language and getting practice building something that can be useful.
*C# *.Net 7 * Visual Studio code version 17 *Git/Githubt
- Add in department or job title to the program
- Add in a wat to access the employee like email, phone number etc
- Add the ability to view a single employee by name or ID number
- Improve by braking parts off into their own files for better coding mangement
- Fix/Improve make IDs work with a mix of letters and numbers change to a string instead of int.