This is Java SDK for Stateful.
The JavaDoc is here.
First, register an account at Stateful. Then, you can create a counter and increment it:
import co.stateful.Counter;
import co.stateful.Counters;
import co.stateful.Sttc;
import co.stateful.RtSttc;
import com.jcabi.urn.URN;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
Sttc sttc = new RtSttc(
new URN("urn:github:526301"),
String name = "test-123";
Counters counters = sttc.counters();
Counter counter = counters.create(name);
long value = counter.incrementAndGet(1L);
System.out.println("new value: " + value);
Here is how you can use a lock:
Locks locks = sttc.locks();
Lock lock = locks.get("test-lock");
new Atomic(lock).call(
new Callable<Void>() {
public void call() {
// perfectly synchronized code
return null;