Epigenetic element-based Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies
Transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) providing a powerful approach to identify novel disease risk genes and uncover possible causal genes at loci identified previously by genome-wide association study (GWAS). However, these methods did not consider the importance of epigenetic regulation in gene expression. Here, we developed a novel epigenetic element-based transcriptome-wide association study (ETWAS) that tested the effects of genetic variants on gene expression levels with the epigenetic features as prior and further mediated the association between predicted expression and complex diseases.
Method: Yao Shi, et al. Epigenetic Element-Based Transcriptome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Genes for Bipolar Disorder. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2021.
Application: Yao Shi, et al. A Transcriptome-wide Association Study Identifies Susceptibility Genes for Parkinson’s Disease. npj Parkinson's Disease 2021.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Yao Shi, Guo Yan
National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Biodiagnosis and Biotherapy, The Second Affiliated Hospital, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710004, P. R. China
Key Laboratory of Biomedical Information Engineering of Ministry of Education, School of Life Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P. R. China
Yao Shi
You can contact 📧studentyaoshi@stu.xjtu.edu.cn when you have any questions, suggestions, comments, etc.
Please describe in details, and attach your command line and log messages if possible.
Our current study is based on the premise that gene expression is heritable. Considering the heritability genes typically enriched for trait associations, we estimated gene expression heritability and only focused on the significantly heritable genes in further analyses.
Need files
- ~/etwas/data/genotype/GTEx.plink
The genotype in plink format can be found here.
Note: All alleles in this study were aligned on the forward strand and the SNP positions were assigned to the GRCh38 human reference genome assembly. We provide the pipeline to flip the strand, please see flip.sh.
- ~/etwas/data/expression/$tissue.final
gene expression
FID IID ENSG00000186092.4 ENSG00000278566.1 ENSG00000273547.1 ENSG00000187634.11 ENSG00000188976.10 ENSG00000187961.13 ... GTEX-13O3Q GTEX-13O3Q 0.2272 0.1388 0.02777 0.49 30.3 4.328 ... GTEX-1C6VR GTEX-1C6VR 0.1296 0.1267 0.03167 0.9371 13.5 2.371 ... GTEX-P44G GTEX-P44G 0.3325 0.266 0.1478 0.7702 19.54 3.004 ... GTEX-X4XX GTEX-X4XX 0.07441 0.1455 0.1455 1.323 26.77 11.23 ... GTEX-1EX96 GTEX-1EX96 0.07624 0.04969 0 0.3575 8.479 1.611 ...
- ~/etwas/data/expression/gtex.gene.final.nomhc.anno
gene annotation
ENSG00000186092.4 1 69091 70008 + ENSG00000278566.1 1 450740 451678 - ENSG00000273547.1 1 685716 686654 - ENSG00000187634.11 1 923928 944581 + ENSG00000188976.10 1 944204 959309 -
- ~/etwas/data/genotype/GTEx.plink
cd ~/etwas/pipeline
sh heritability.sh $tissue
awk '$6<0.05{print$1}' ~/etwas/result/$tissue.heritability > ~/etwas/result/$tissue.P005
The $tissue indicates the tissue name, such as Brain_Amygdala
- Generate
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.heritability
ENSG00000177989.13 V(G)/Vp 0.166964 0.113988 Pval 0.03208 ENSG00000130487.5 V(G)/Vp 0.063453 0.091522 Pval 0.218 ENSG00000217442.3 V(G)/Vp 0.177535 0.114586 Pval 0.02242 ENSG00000205560.12 V(G)/Vp 0.049175 0.082262 Pval 0.233 ENSG00000100288.19 V(G)/Vp 0.000001 0.063587 Pval 0.5
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.P005
gene list with heritability p-value less than 0.05
We estimated the cis heritability (1 Mb window around each gene) for each gene using restricted maximum likelihood analysis, a variance-component model with a genetic relationship matrix (GRM) estimated from genotype data in GCTA software. Genes with heritability P-value less than 0.05 were regarded as significantly heritable genes.
For each gene x, we first included SNPs within the 1 MB region around gene. We trained and evaluated the models for gene expression prediction in each round y of tenfold cross-validation using the following steps:
- We performed eQTL analyses with SNPs located within 1 Mb of the transcription start/end sites of the gene using the training data.
- We then annotated the SNPs with epigenetic annotations. The epigenomic data included chromatin segmentation states, transcription factor binding sites (TFBS), and DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHS). For the chromatin segmentation states, we utilized the 15-state model and grouped them into four categories: promoter, enhancer, transcription, and others. Individually, TssA and TssAFlnk were considered to be a promoter; TxFlnk, Tx, and TxWk were considered to be a transcription; EnhG and Enh were considered to be an enhancer, and the rest were classified as the others.
For each SNP, an epigenomic feature was labeled if the SNP overlapped with the feature. - We obtained multiple SNP sets according to the eQTL P-value threshold (5×10-2, 1×10-2, 1×10-3, 1×10-4, 1×10-5, 1×10-6), chromatin segmentation state (promoter, transcription, enhancer, and others), TFBS annotation, and DHS annotation.
- For each SNP set z, we built an expression prediction model in the training dataset by using the lasso and the elastic net (α = 0.5) methods as implemented in the glmnet R package.
- Need files
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.P005
gene list with heritability p-value less than 0.05
- ~/etwas/data/genotype/GTEx.plink
- ~/etwas/data/expression/$tissue.final
gene expression
- ~/etwas/data/expression/gtex.gene.final.nomhc.anno
gene annotation
- ~/etwas/data/epigenetic/*
epigenetic annotation
chr1 10131 10369 chr1 10427 10574 chr1 57344 57408 chr1 235654 235786 chr1 235887 235971
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.P005
- Run
# Get genotype for each gene
cd ~/etwas/pipeline
sh genopheno.sh $tissue
# Epigenetic-based SNP grouping and model training
sh train.sh $tissue
- ~/etwas/tem/$tissue.$gene.plink
genotype for each gene
- ~/etwas/tem/$tissue.$gene.expression
expression for each gene
> Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000024526.16.expression FID IID ENSG00000024526.16 GTEX-13O3Q GTEX-13O3Q 0.03047 GTEX-1C6VR GTEX-1C6VR 0.02316 GTEX-P44G GTEX-P44G 0.08647 GTEX-X4XX GTEX-X4XX 0.02661 GTEX-1EX96 GTEX-1EX96 0
- ~/etwas/tem/$tissue.$gene.minor
minor alleles for SNPs in gene
Note: We assigned the minor allele (in all reference samples) to be the reference allele (A1) to avoid the allele difference among cross-validation.
> Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000024526.16.minor SNP A1 rs1977785 G rs12745192 G rs6695089 A rs7554654 G rs11209084 G
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.etwas
Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000169885.9.enh.dn.tn.0.05 0.09449683 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000169885.9.enh.dn.tn.0.05 0.09388865 lasso 0.09449683 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000116151.13.tx.dn.tn.0.05 0.12374554 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000116151.13.tx.dn.tn.0.05 0.12354224 lasso 0.12374554 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000157916.19.tx.dn.tn.0.05 0.11186665 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000157916.19.tx.dn.tn.0.05 0.11255954 enet 0.11255954 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000157881.13.enh.dn.tn.0.05 0.12066406 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000157881.13.enh.dn.tn.0.05 0.12117371 enet 0.12117371 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000157873.17.tx.dn.tn.0.05 0.17463774 Brain_Amygdala.ENSG00000157873.17.tx.dn.tn.0.05 0.23938381 enet 0.23938381
- ~/etwas/tem/$tissue.$gene.plink
For each model, we evaluated its prediction performance by cross-validation R2 between the predicted gene expression and the observed gene expression of the testing data and averaged all the cross-validation data. For each gene x, the model with the highest mean R2 in the testing data was selected as the best model. Based on the parameters of the best model, we performed the eQTL analyses again using all the samples in the reference data and constructed each gene’s final prediction model.
- Need files:
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.P005
gene list with heritability p-value less than 0.05
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.etwas
etwas results
- ~/etwas/tem/$tissue.$gene.plink
genotype for each gene
- ~/etwas/tem/$tissue.$gene.expression
expression for each gene
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.P005
- Run
cd ~/etwas/pipeline
sh getfinal.sh $tissue
- Generate
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.pos
WGT ID CHR P0 P1 N Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000169885.9.RData ENSG00000169885.9 1 1914827 1917296 120 Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000116151.13.RData ENSG00000116151.13 1 2321253 2391707 120 Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000157916.19.RData ENSG00000157916.19 1 2391775 2405444 120 Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000157881.13.RData ENSG00000157881.13 1 2508533 2526628 120 Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000215912.12.RData ENSG00000215912.12 1 2635976 2801717 120
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.finish.genes
ENSG00000001167.14 ENSG00000004975.11 ENSG00000005339.14 ENSG00000005469.11 ENSG00000005471.15
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.rdata/
this folder includes all the .RData files in the $tissue
each $gene.RData includes "wgt.matrix" and "snps"ENSG00000001167.14.RData ENSG00000004975.11.RData ENSG00000005339.14.RData ENSG00000005469.11.RData ENSG00000005471.15.RData
> wgt.matrix etwas top1 rs2916256 2.46794091 -0.3117201 rs9394715 -1.15137795 -0.1625038 rs12664653 -0.34564314 -0.2289465 rs10947907 -0.26958668 0.1971410 rs4521573 -0.11433455 -0.7497704 rs4236071 -0.12000062 -0.7489674 rs9394733 -0.06642380 0.7040359 rs7767835 -0.02499029 0.4008386 rs9367079 1.38613939 0.1223406 > snps V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 1 6 rs2916256 0 40383313 C T 2 6 rs9394715 0 40659686 C A 3 6 rs12664653 0 40673177 G A 4 6 rs10947907 0 40674904 C T 5 6 rs4521573 0 40773205 C T 6 6 rs4236071 0 40782300 T C 7 6 rs9394733 0 40785517 C T 8 6 rs7767835 0 40793076 G T 9 6 rs9367079 0 40808854 G A
We provided all the needed files and results in the Brain_Amygdala, the results in other Brain tissues will be uploaded soon.
After getting the best model for gene x, we could predict expression directly for genotyped samples using the effect sizes from the reference panels and measure the association between predicted expression and a trait. On the other hand, the ImpG-Summary algorithm has been used to extend to train on the genetic component of expression based on GWAS summary data. Thus, we could indirectly estimate the association between predicted expression and a trait as the weighted linear combination of SNP-trait standardized effect sizes while accounting for linkage disequilibrium (LD) among SNPs. FUSION was used to conduct the transcriptome-wide association testing. The 1000 Genomes v3 LD panel was used for the ETWAS.
Need files
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.pos
etwas results
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.rdata/
etwas results
- ~/etwas/data/LDREF/
ld reference data
- ~/etwas/data/gwas/$trait.sumstats.gz
summary statistic of trait
The summary statistic file format can be found here.
- ~/etwas/result/$tissue.pos
sh predict.sh $tissue $trait
The $trait indicates the name of the summary data in ~/etwas/data/gwas/, such as PGC_BIP2018
- Generate
- ~/etwas/result/twas/$trait.$tissue.$chr
> PGC_BIP2018.Brain_Amygdala.1 PANEL FILE ID CHR P0 P1 HSQ BEST.GWAS.ID BEST.GWAS.Z EQTL.ID EQTL.R2 EQTL.Z EQTL.GWAS.Z NSNP NWGT MODEL MODELCV.R2 MODELCV.PV TWAS.Z TWAS.P PERM.PV PERM.N PERM.ANL_PV Brain_Amygdala ~/etwas/result/Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000169885.9.RData ENSG00000169885.9 1 1.91e+06 1.92e+06 0 rs34238514 -1.847 rs12041925 0 -0.8795 0.588 7 7 0 0 1.31872 0.18726 0.0000 0 0.00e+00 Brain_Amygdala ~/etwas/result/Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000116151.13.RData ENSG00000116151.13 1 2.32e+06 2.39e+06 0 rs2500271 -2.840 rs4531246 0 0.9934 -0.306 13 13 0 0 -0.42751 0.66901 0.0000 0 0.00e+00 Brain_Amygdala ~/etwas/result/Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000157916.19.RData ENSG00000157916.19 1 2.39e+06 2.41e+06 0 rs1108600 -2.051 rs12410859 0 0.9923 -1.707 16 16 0 0 -0.70353 0.48172 0.0000 0 0.00e+00 Brain_Amygdala ~/etwas/result/Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000157881.13.RData ENSG00000157881.13 1 2.51e+06 2.53e+06 0 rs1108600 -2.051 rs6603813 0 -0.9847 -1.729 9 9 0 0 -1.66058 0.09680 0.0000 0 0.00e+00 Brain_Amygdala ~/etwas/result/Brain_Amygdala.rdata/ENSG00000215912.12.RData ENSG00000215912.12 1 2.64e+06 2.80e+06 0 rs2503701 1.494 rs2503701 0 0.2924 1.494 2 2 0 0 -0.49232 0.62250 0.0000 0 0.00e+00