is a pinch gesture detection for leap motion websocket API written in Go.
This program uses for parsing frames into Go structs and reading frames from the default LeapMotion websocket.
This project was originally an idea by [@lemonzi](
The HandPinchRouter reads frames and emits Pinch object pointers which contain the point at which the pinch event occurred and the hand id that created it.
A pinch event is sent under the following conditions:
- there are only 2 extended fingers per hand AND
- one or more of them disappear- which happens, according to the LeapMotion when 2 fingers converge; AND
- the distance between them at the moment they disappear is less than a constant AND
- the last several frames for each finger show that they are each converging on each other.
There is a demo here: Usage taken from the demo above:
func main() {
// from [
device, err := gomotion.GetDevice("ws://")
if err != nil {
defer device.Close()
// create a router object that will keep track and update the finger
// positions per hand.
var router = pinch.HandPinchRouter{
FrameChan: make(chan *gomotion.Frame), // send gomotion.Frame pointers here
PinchChecks: make(map[int]pinch.HandPinchCheck), // holds fingers per hand
PinchChan: make(chan *pinch.Pinch), // will emit Pinch pointers as the occur
go router.RouteHand()
for {
select {
case frame := <- device.Pipe:
router.FrameChan <- frame
case pinch := <- router.PinchChan:
fmt.Printf("PINCH DETECTED: %+v\n", pinch)