This repository holds all of my public projects, whether through course work or personal projects.
Below you will find a brief description of each of the projects in this repository.
(1) Langton's Ant: This is an early project that demonstrates two-dimensional array usage with Langton's Ant. it is also the first attempt at a simple menu. All done in C++.
(2) Rock, Paper, Scissors: This was a group effort that is the first demonstration of polymorphism and inheritance in C++.
(3) Fantasy Dice Game: This light-hearted dice game is a demonstration of not only polymorphism and inheritance, but the first time I needed to coordniate more than a dozen different files into a cohesive program in C++.
(4) Text Survival Game: The culmination of an OSU class, this text based game demonstrates the usage of polymorphism along with pointers in C++.
(5) Weather: This no-frill single page website demonstrates using AJAX for GET & POST requests. It uses a GET request to access the Open Weather API using either a city's Zip Code or the city name. It also does an asynchronous POST request. This is all done using Javascript and HTML.
(6) GET & POST: This is an early backend project that simply checks to see if a request was a GET or a POST request and displays it. This uses JavaScript, HTML and Node.js.
(7) DOM Traveral: A simple demonstration of traversing the DOM and setting up events in JavaScript.
(8) Automobile: This JavaScript project uses higher order functions and objects. It should be started using Node.js. It will print to the console.
(9) Procedure & Loops: This MASM project demonstrates basic usage of loops and procedures within MASM. It also validates the user's input. This uses the Irvine Library.
(10) Indirect Addressing: Demonstrates indirect addressing and passing parameters in MASM, along with generating "random" numbers and working with arrays. This uses the Irvine Library.
(11) Low-level IO: Creating and using low-level I/O procedures and macros. It gets 10 integers from the user, displays them, their sum and their average. Uses the Irvine Library.