As a system user, I want to get a user list from Github.
As a system user, I want to see each user's followers in a bar chart.
- Tasks
- Add pages: home user page, user profile page, not found page
- Add a text input field and a button.
- Add a validator that verifies that the user's search text has a minimum of 4 characters, and does not allow searching for non-pemessive words (i.e: tanvir).
- Endpoints
- Show the first 10 users of the search result, including i.e: their username and id of each record.
- Create a simple bar chart to show the number of followers of the top 10 users. Use of (react-google charting library).
- Convert each user profile into a link, so that clicking on each record navigates to a path that includes the 'username' property as a parameter. Add user's image and some user information.
- Display General Error messages throughout the application.
- Third party library for icons, i.e: Font Awesome
- Vite (v5) with HMR and some ESLint rules + SWC compiler
- React with TS
- SCSS Modules
- Github REST API
- Requirements
- Node: v18+
- Npm
- Execution
npm install npm run dev