Python (jupyter notebook)
Data cleaning was not necessary.
- Top 10 stations for starting and ending a journey.
- Bottom 10 stations for starting and ending a journey.
- Number of trips by gender.
- Peak hours during summer and winter.
- Ruch hours during the whole year.
- Map based on start time
Both stations are similar at start or end of a journey, since many people uses the bike to commute to work or study meanings it does makes sense that the numbers do not change much.
Both stations are similar at start or end of a journey, since many people uses the bike to commute to work or study meanings it does makes sense that the numbers do not change much.
Male users are higher than females (around 3-time).
8:00AM and 18:00PM are the peak time for users. There are still a great number of trips between the two time, but way less than peak hours.
8:00AM and 18:00PM are also the peak time.
Grove St Path station has the highest number of trips for all users. Hamilton Park is the second. JCBS is the smallest sation (you barely can see in the map, but is there)