Flutter Chat app for mobile devices.
Flutter Chatting app for mobile that provides the instant communication functionality between users. The server is hosted on Firebase, which provides email login and authentication for each user and is built with Cloud Firestore, which is a NoSQL-based database for storing data.
- Clean and Modern UI
- Instant Communication functionality between the users.
- Availbation for Android and iOS.
- Programming Language: Dart
- Framework: Flutter
- BaaS: Firebase & Cloud Firebase
- Flutter Dependencies:
- animated_text_kit
- firebase_core
- firebase_auth
- cloud_firestore
- modal_progress_hud_nsn
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/subrotokumar/flashchat.git
Go to the project directory:
cd flashchat
Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
Start the server:
flutter run
Your ideas, translations, design changes, code cleaning, or real heavy code changes or any help is always welcome. The more is contribution the better it gets
Pull requests will be reviewed