The backend application API which allows you to fetch the information of HR , Jobs, and candidates for the respective job. API Features and endpoints:
- Only HR/Admin can register to the system and has the most authorities.
- HR can post , update and delete jobs.
- An automated email is sent to the HR's email-address when the new Job is posted.
- Candidates are allowed to see all the jobs and can apply any job.
- Candidates will receive an email to confirm their application is submitted successfully.
- Only HR has the permission to see the job applications.
The api endpoint for HR looks like :
=> /api/hr/register
to register or sign-up the HR identity,
=> /api/hr/login
to login HR's existing identity,
=> /api/hr/logout
and finally for logout .
=> /api/jobs/create
For POSTING new job (Only HR can : Strict validations are implemented )
=> /api/jobs/
Get all the jobs available (Anyone can view the jobs)
=> /api/jobs/job-id
Get the specific job of the given ID
=> /api/jobs/update/job-id
Update the job of the given ID
=> /api/jobs/delete/job-id
Delete the job of the given ID
=> /api/applicant/create
New applincant or candidate posting a job application
=> /api/applicant/
Get all the applicants details(HR)
=> /api/applicant/applicant-id
get the specific applicant of given ID