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Cython code is annotated "Python-like" code which is compiled to C or C++. This is then wrapped in "interface code" which prodcuces "extension modules" that can be used directly in Python.

The C or C++ code use static types and offer lower overhead in control structures and function calls which can in turn greatly speed up performance on native python code.


More detailed descriptions of the installation can be found here. In short, the latest Cython release can easily be installed with the command

pip install cython

C Compiler Installation

Cython also requires a c compiler to be present on the system. This installation will differ depending on what operatin system you are using.

Linux Installation

The GNU C Compiler (gcc) should be available by default in e.g. Ubuntu. If not, it can be installed using

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Windows Installation

gcc is not available on Windows by default. Instead we can use MinGW which includes a port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), including C, C++, ADA and Fortran compilers.

  1. Install MinGW from here

  2. Run the installer. Only the basic package is needed for Cython, but the C++ compiler might be useful as well.

  3. Add the installation bin directory to the Windows PATH variable, e.g. c:\mingw\bin.

  4. Specify mingw32 as the default compiler of your python installation by creating a file called distutils.cfg with the following information:

     compiler = mingw32
    • E.g. default location of the python interpreter:
      • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\<version>\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg
    • E.g. Anaconda environment named cython:
      • C:\Users\<user>\Anaconda3\envs\cython\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg


If you want to learn more about the basics of Cython, you can have a look at this tutorial.

A few important keywords to keep in mind are:

  • def - Ordinary Python functions which can only be called from Python
  • cdef - Pure Cython functions which can only be called from Cython
  • cpdef- C function with a Python wrapper

This repository includes three different example programs with the .py extension for ordinary python modules and .pyx for code that will be used by Cython to compile to C code.

To compile the code, we run the following command:

python build_ext --inplace

After the build has finished, we can run to see how the execution time of the native python code compares with the compiled Cython code. In many cases it can over a hundred times faster!



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