I am Sujan Shrestha. Web developer from Nepal and currently working as a Backend developer. Despite working in the backend, I am very much enthusiastic about frontend technologies. My expertise includes PHP, Laravel, Wordpress, Drupal, JavaScript, React.js, MySQL. Additionally, I like to contribute to the open source community and have several published libraries and add-ons.
- 🔭 Check out my Drupal Profile: Sujan Shrestha
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything 🤣
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other content creators
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love coding
- 🌐 Website: www.sujanshrestha.com
- 🌐 Website: www.emperyquotes.com
- 🌐 Drupal Profile: Drupal Contributor profile
Feel free to contact me 😋