A Ruby client to work with the DOR Workflow REST Service. The REST API is defined here: https://consul.stanford.edu/display/DOR/DOR+services#DORservices-initializeworkflow
Initialize a Dor::Workflow::Client
object in your application configuration, i.e. in a bootup or startup method like:
client = Dor::Workflow::Client.new(url: 'https://test-server.edu/workflow/')
Consumers of recent versions of the dor-services gem can access the configured Dor::Workflow::Client
object via Dor::Config
During development, you can test the gem locally on your laptop, hitting a local instance of workflow-server-rails via the console:
client = Dor::Workflow::Client.new(url: 'http://localhost:3000')
client.create_workflow_by_name('druid:bc123df4567', 'accessionWF', version: '1', context: { 'requireOCR' => true})
=> ["accessionWF"]
client.workflow(pid: 'druid:bc123df4567', workflow_name: 'accessionWF')
=> #<Dor::Workflow::Response::Workflow:0x0000000105c8b440
client.process(pid: 'druid:bc123df4567', workflow_name: 'accessionWF', process: 'start-accession').context
=> {"requireOCR"=>true}
client.all_workflows(pid: 'druid:bc123df4567')
=> #<Dor::Workflow::Response::Workflows:0x00000001055d29a0>.....
If a workflow or workflows for a particular object require data to be persisted and available between steps, workflow variables can be set. These are per object/version pair and thus available to any step in any workflow for a given version of an object once set. Pass in a context variable as a Hash as shown in the example below. The context will be returned as a hash when fetching workflows data for an object.
Create a workflow
client.create_workflow_by_name('druid:bc123df4567', 'etdSubmitWF', version: '1')
Create a workflow and send in context
client.create_workflow_by_name('druid:bc123df4567', 'etdSubmitWF', version: '1', context: { foo: 'bar'} )
Update a workflow step's status
client.update_status(druid: 'druid:bc123df4567',
workflow: 'etdSubmitWF',
process: 'registrar-approval',
status: 'completed')
Fetch information about a workflow:
client.workflow(pid: 'druid:bc123df4567', workflow_name: 'etdSubmitWF')
=> #<Dor::Workflow::Response::Workflow:0x000000010cb28588
Fetch information about a workflow step:
client.process(pid: 'druid:bc123df4567', workflow_name: 'etdSubmitWF', process: 'registrar-approval')
=> #<Dor::Workflow::Response::Process:0x000000010c505098
Fetch version context about a workflow step:
client.process(pid: 'druid:bc123df4567', workflow_name: 'etdSubmitWF', process: 'registrar-approval').context
=> {"foo"=>"bar"}
Show "milestones" for an object
client.milestones(druid: 'druid:gv054hp4128')
#=> [{version: '1', milestone: 'published'}]
List workflow templates
Show a workflow template
Get the status of an object
client.status(druid: 'druid:gv054hp4128', version: '3').display
#=> "v3 Accessioned"
This gem currently uses the Faraday HTTP client to access the back-end service. The clients be accessed directly from your Dor::Workflow::Client
wfs.connection # the Faraday object
Or for advanced configurations, ONE of them (not both) can be passed to the constructor instead of the raw URL string:
conn = Faraday.new(:url => 'http://sushi.com') do |faraday|
faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params
faraday.response :logger # log requests to STDOUT
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP
wfs = Dor::Workflow::Client.new(connection: conn)