Hello, I have created this beautiful project using the MERN stack as an internship assignment of Flexmoney. In this web app an user can register themselves for the yoga classes. I enjoyed while creating this project as I learned many new things while creating this project such as form validation, connecting the frontend to the backend and deploying the web app online.
My approach for this project was:-
- Create frontend of the admission form using html, css and reactjs.
- Make the form responsive so that it does not get distorted in any device.
- Create the backend of the form using nodejs, expressjs and mongoDB.
- Do the basic validations as stated in the assignment.
- Show a "Payment Successful" message when the user is registered.
- The basic validations which I did in the project are as follows:-
- Every input field should be filled by the user.
- User name must not be empty.
- Age field must be between 18 and 65 years.
- Gender should must be specified by the user.
- Contact number must consist of 10 digits.
- Fees should be exactly equal to 500.
- User must select a slot in order to make the payment.
This project can be used in the real world if I add a payment method which would accpet the payment either from the UPI or cards.
You can add the JSON Viewer pro extension to get a better view of the data. Link to the extension:- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-viewer-pro/eifflpmocdbdmepbjaopkkhbfmdgijcc