This repository contains to run training and predictions for a modified Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation Network which achieves 96.1946% validation accuracy: See Better Before Looking Closer: Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification using EfficientNet B3 as feature extractor EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks
I also explored using Segmentation and Style Transfer GAN augment images from day time to night time. To reduce the effect of low-resolution images, I provide a script to run super resolution using Deep Back-Projection Networks. For more information on code usage, please skip over to Usage section.
I used the stanford cars dataset sorted by classes folder at
First I combined the provided train and test dataset and did a 75/25 train test split using to maximise the training data available
Train size: 12208, Test size: 3997
Duplicates have been removed using Gemini.
I added new data from Google Images using the script
Some of these new images are irrelevant (car interiors or car parts). I cleaned around 25 image folders manually and fine-tuned a pretrained Xception to classify these new images as wanted or unwanted. I used this model to help us clean the rest of the data using This dataset is combined with the original 12208 training images and I will refer to it as 'New Data'. Some of the images classified as unwanted by this model are shown below:
The new data is also cleaned manually as there are some images misclassified by Google Images eg: convertible vs coupe, Dodge Challenger vs Dodge Charger SRT. I will refer to this dataset as 'New Data V2'.
I also used the Imagenet Data Augmentation Policy from AutoAugment Github, Paper
I first used a standard image classification method to obtain a baseline. I used Xception with random erasing augmentation, AdaBound optimizer and class weights. Adding new data seems to reduce validation accuracy as some of the images from Google Images come with advertisement words and graphics that may have confused the classifier (advertisment graphics for cheaper cars differ significantly compared to those for more expensive cars)
Model Name | Training Accuracy | Validation Accuracy |
CNN Baseline: Xception, random cutout, adabound optimiser | 98.11 | 93.66 |
CNN Baseline New Data Classweights | 95.38 | 92.27 |
CNN Baseline New Data V2 Classweights | 97.25 | 93.51 |
CNN Baseline New Data V2 Classweights Increased Image Size | 98.36 | 93.30 |
To improve on this baseline, I used the implementation of Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation (WSDAN) from However, the original implementation seems to have performance issues as some users have commented. Running the original implementation on my rebuilt dataset, I only managed to obtain 91.28% accuracy.
After reading through the paper and code in depth, I realised there were a few implementation errors. After fixing the errors, I managed to obtain 95.31% validation accuracy which is further increased to 95.97% using additional data from Google Images. Since the network uses attention cropping, the effect of advertisement words and graphics seems to have been mitigated. Switching the feature extractor to EfficientNetB3 from InceptionV3 and increasing the number of attention maps from 32 to 64 resulted in the final validation accuracy of 96.1946% (Precision: 96.238, Recall: 96.056, F1: 96.018)
Model Name | Training Accuracy | Validation Accuracy |
Original Implementation | 99.76 | 91.28 |
Change (256, 256) crop size to original image size | 99.76 | 93.29 |
Change LR schedule to reduce on plateau and remove double input preprocessing | 99.84 | 95.31 |
New Data V2 | 99.95 | 95.97 |
EfficientNetB3 | 99.95 | 95.99 |
EfficientNetB3, 64 attention maps (epoch 34) | 99.95 | 96.19 |
EfficientNetB4, 64 attention maps | 99.89 | 94.23 |
As the training dataset consists of only day time images, I explored using Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation (UNIT) and Fast Photo Style Transfer to convert day time images to night time. I tried collecting night time images from Google Images, but there are only a few relevant images per car brand so I went out to film some of my own night time data. In total I had only 366 night time images however so the results should be better should more data be available. For Fast Photo Style Transfer we first used DeepLabV3 with Xception Backbone to obtain segmentation maps as the results without segmentation maps are quite bad. As the code is licensed under a non-commercial license, I won't be able to include it here.
Here are some of the results from UNIT:
Here are some of the results from FastPhotoStyle using segmentation maps:
The image size I used for WSDAN is 512 by 512, if the input image is significantly smaller than this size, accuracy will be affected. To test the effect of small image size, I downsampled each image in the validation set such that the smallest side of the image is 128 pixels and sure enough, the accuracy dropped to 93.60%.
To mitigate this, I decided to use a script to run super resolution on test images if the image size is below a certain threshold area (I set as 128*256). I converted the super resolution model from DBPN Pytorch into a Keras model (can be downloaded here). Running super resolution on the downsampled dataset before prediction improves the accuracy to 94.56%
Dataset | Accuracy |
Original Validation Set | 96.19 |
Downsampled Validation Set | 93.60 |
Super Resolution Validation Set | 94.56 |
Downsampled Image Example:
Super Resolution Image Example:
Python 3.6
scikit-learn~=0.20.3 numpy~=1.16.4 pandas~=0.24.2 tqdm~=4.31.1
For CNN Baseline and Super Resolution:
I used the tensorflow_p36 environment on AWS Linux
keras==2.2.4 keras-applications==1.0.7 keras-metrics==1.1.0 keras-preprocessing==1.0.9 tensorflow==1.13.1
I used the pytorch_p36 environment on AWS Linux
pytorch==1.1.0 torchvision==0.2.2 scipy==1.2.1
EfficientNet needs to be installed by running
cd EfficientNet-PyTorch
python develop --no-deps
cd GAN_preprocess
python --data_dir /path/to/data/directory --model_path /path/to/sr/model
cd ws-dan
python --data-dir /path/to/images --ckpt-dir /path/to/model/checkpoint --output-dir /path/to/save/predictions
The best performing model EfficientNetB3 with 64 attention maps can be downloaded here
-j , --workers
Number of data loading workers (default: n_cpus)
-b , --batch-size
Batch size (default: 32)
--fn, --feature-net
Name of base model. Accepted values are inception/ resnet152cbam/ efficientnetb3 (default: efficientnetb3)
--gpu, --gpu-ids
IDs of gpu(s) to use in inference, multiple gpus should be seperated with commas (default: 0)
--de, --do-eval
If labels are provided, set True to evaluate metrics (default: True)
--csv, --csv-labels-path
If eval mode is set, set to "folder" to read labels from folders with classnames. Set to csv path to read labels from csv (default: folder)
Heading of image filepath and label columns in csv. Ignored if --csv-labels-path=folder.
--dd, --data-dir
Directory to images to run evaluation/ prediction. If --csv-labels-path=folder, directory should contain folders of images named by class name
--cp, --ckpt-path
Path to saved model checkpoint (default: ./checkpoints/034.ckpt)
--od, --output-dir
Saving directory of extracted class probabilities csv file (default: ./output)
cd ws-dan
python --data-dir /path/to/dataset/directory --save-dir /path/to/save/checkpoints
-j , --workers
Number of data loading workers (default: n_cpus)
--gpu, --gpu-ids
IDs of gpu(s) to use in inference, multiple gpus should be seperated with commas (default: 0)
-v, --verbose
Show information for each batches. Set to zero to only show information every epoch (default: 0)
-b, --batch-size
Batch size (default: 32)
-e, --epochs
Number of epochs (default: 100)
--lr, --learning-rate
learning rate (default: 0.001)
-m, --model
Model for feature extractor inception/resnetcbam/efficientnetb3 (default: efficientnetb3)
-c, --ckpt
Path to checkpoint file if resuming training (default: False)
--dd, --data-dir
Path to directory containing folders named 'train' and 'test', each containing folders of images named by class name
--sd, --save-dir
Saving directory of .ckpt models (default: ./checkpoints/model)
--sf, --save-freq
Saving frequency of .ckpt models (default: 1)
MIT License
Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation Network: Github, Paper
Deep Back-Projection Networks: Github, Paper
Automold: Github
Squeeze and Excitation Networks: Github, Paper
DeepAugment: Github