Writen by Weijia Sun.
The tutorial can be found at pyGmt.
To plot Great Britain, Italy, and France in blue with a red outline and Spain, Portugal and Greece in yellow (no outline), and pick up the plot domain form the extents of these countries, use
>>> import pyGmt
>>> gmt = pyGmt.Gmt()
>>> gmt.comment("plot a coastline")
>>> gmt.cmd("pscoast", "-JM6i -P -Baf -EGB,IT,FR+gblue+p0.25p,red+r -EES,PT,GR+gyellow > map.ps")
>>> gmt.shell("gmt pscoast -JM6i -P -Baf -EGB,IT,FR+gblue+p0.25p,red+r -EES,PT,GR+gyellow > map.ps")
and now you would see a 'rungmt.sh' in the current directory. Then use
>>> gmt.execute()
to run the script.
Downloat the code and run
>>> python setup.py install