This widget is used with one js-file, one css-file and one line of html for each rss-flow to read. The widget is currently build to adapt one specific format (see below).
Use the setup from the dist-folder to test.
The rss-slider is used on a website with configuration done in the html-tag:
<div class='rss_widget rss_ab_5_1' items='5' rel='' format='5_1'></div>
<div class='rss_widget rss_ab_16_9' items='5' rel='' format='16_9'></div>
items = number of rss-items to view each time for the separate flow
rel = path to rss flow
format = aspectratio of the rss-item container, all content has to be styled to fit this area, currently formats are '1_1', '4_3', '16_9', '3_1','5_1
see the 'height_scale.js' module for all formats
The application is build with gulp and browserify. See the 'package.json' for all modules used during development. The architecture is based on 'flux' -, and modified to ES5 syntax. The view system is based on one control ('slider_viewcontrol.js'_) which uses utilitiy modules from the 'utils' folder. The main purpose of the modules are to keep them small and dedicated to one task each.
Entry point for the js-bundling is 'js/lib/main.js' where dependencies are seen in the 'require' calls.
npm install
gulp build
apply iconimages for buttons update specific stylesheets (_rss_ab_16_9, _rss_ab_5_1, _rss_other_width_height) to meet design demands